I'm ready to become an ECCIE Moderator

SweaterPuppies's Avatar
I feel so grateful that we live in a country where we have the freedom to express our opinions and the power of democratic process.

After much thought and consideration, I have decided I am ready to take the next step and become an ECCIE Moderator. And not just any old moderator, but the best and most badass moderator who only issues infractions to those being flaming idiots or attention seeking drama queens. I will also allow taint photos.

I have created an anonymous poll that allows you to vote "Yay" or "Nay" on this very serious matter. Now get your ass in the toll booth, bitches.

While I obviously voted Yay, I question you trying to sway the vote by allowing taint photos. Other than that I'm sure you'll be running this place soon. Thank you for your selfless dedication to the cause.
fletch's Avatar
great googly moogly...what an ewnique idea!

you had me at taint photos....
pyramider's Avatar
SP, what is your positions on taint photos being posted?
SweaterPuppies's Avatar
I believe in taint equality.
Knight2554's Avatar
You seem smart, quick-witted, and appear to be a world class jack ass, so yeah, why not?

I kid. I kid, I know they work hard.

Still a yes vote to keep things interesting around here.

Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Are you trying to get free pussy too?
Shep3.0's Avatar
I don't recall anyone shredding a threAD as well as SP!

Boltfan's Avatar
I vote yes
OldGrump's Avatar
I might vote yay if you promise I can keep my health care and doctor with reduced premiums..

Or has that been done before?
I feel so grateful that we live in a country where we have the freedom to express our opinions and the power of democratic process.

After much thought and consideration, I have decided I am ready to take the next step and become an ECCIE Moderator. And not just any old moderator, but the best and most badass moderator who only issues infractions to those being flaming idiots or attention seeking drama queens. I will also allow taint photos.

I have created an anonymous poll that allows you to vote "Yay" or "Nay" on this very serious matter. Now get your ass in the toll booth, bitches.

SweaterPuppies Originally Posted by SweaterPuppies

If you do become moderator, I hope you moderate South Texas. We sure do need a new mod who will actually put a stop to things that shouldn't even be happening.

You got my vote!
I voted yay (as in, you already are).
If Shep doesn't already have a copyright on "GoSweaterPuppiesGo" I'll be filing for it tomorrow.
TexasCowboy's Avatar
We all need entertainment in our lives, my vote is Yah...
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
I've officially been converted. After tonight's chat room experience I pushed out a huge hemorroid with laughter and think that this needs to happen sooner than later. I believe it would be in the best interest for all humanity, not just for ECCIE.