Alli Taylor- scheduling not easy

Had a good first session with Alli Taylor from TOS. Scheduled and confirmed a second visit. At appropriate time I texted to say I was on way. No response. In fact, there was no response until an hour after our scheduled appt time when she finally replied with a lame excuse. However, she did offer a discount for a future visit

This afternoon, when I made an appt with her for this eve, I asked what discount she would offer me. I got no response for 5 hours. Then shortly before appt time, she texted to see if I was still coming. I explained that I thought she had gone dark on me - again - and wasn't expecting to come out to see her. She again offered lame excuses, including that I should have just come out without knowing the donation and we could have worked that out after I got there (I don't think there are many hobbyists who would agree to this kind of arrangement - but she didn't seem to realize the flaw in it)

At any rate, we couldn't reach an agreement about the donation and the appt didn't occur (I suppose I was a bit difficult to negotiate with after being left hanging again, this time for 5 hours)

She seems to be a nice person and does a good session, But she does have a problem with communication and scheduling. There are many possible reasons for this and I don't want to speculate. So, I am posting this to make others aware of her unreliability in these aspects. If this were to improve, I would see her again.
bambino's Avatar
Is this going to turn into one of those “pissing”, “drama” threads? I think it’s good intel. She can be elusive. I have my suspicions.
I hope not - I tried to be fair. I think this is useful info for us hobbyists (and in fact, for her). During my discussions with her about the incidents, I did explain to her everything that I posted about her. So, it should be no surprise to her. She seemed to understand (and did apologize). And, as I said, if she improves those aspects of her "business" life, I would definitely want to see her again
Just noted that I added a comment to her most recent review on TOS. And as of July 10, she had ncns'ed me twice. So today was actually the third time she has hung me up. Given that, I think my comments about her are pretty darn fair
bambino's Avatar
Just noted that I added a comment to her most recent review on TOS. And as of July 10, she had ncns'ed me twice. So today was actually the third time she has hung me up. Given that, I think my comments about her are pretty darn fair Originally Posted by Don Stephens
She didn’t show up for a lunch she scheduled on Indy’s. I don’t think she’s gives a shit about being fair. At least this didn’t happen to you:

Indy’s hookers are so safe.
Gabrielle's Avatar
There are many possible reasons for this and I don't want to speculate. Originally Posted by Don Stephens
I'm going to go with she may not be the best at the office end of the biz.

I just saw Alli a few days ago and the other speculations I have heard are unfounded. staff edit pk
bambino's Avatar
I'm going to go with she may not be the best at the office end of the biz.

I just saw Alli a few days ago and the other speculations I have heard are unfounded. staff edit-pk. Originally Posted by Gabrielle
Why did she lose her green square status?
Gabrielle's Avatar
Why did she lose her green square status? Originally Posted by bambino
I have no clue. Perhaps ask that question on TOS?

BTW - square color doesn't mean shit anymore when the cops are busting the green square hobbiests and taking over their accounts on TOS.

"I want a lawyer!" <--- Words to live by!
bambino's Avatar
I have no clue. Perhaps ask that question on TOS?

BTW - square color doesn't mean shit anymore when the cops are busting the green square hobbiests and taking over their accounts on TOS.

"I want a lawyer!" <--- Words to live by! Originally Posted by Gabrielle
There have been green square LE on Indy’s for years. But according to you in the Eros thread, it’s no big deal.
Gabrielle's Avatar
No bambino...I said there is a difference between LE being on the board and LE RUNNING the board. EROS was raided by the DHS.

There is also a difference in LE creating a profile and hanging out waiting and taking over the profile of an EXISTING "SAFE" MEMBER. Just the rumor going around. Stay safe and request a lawyer.

Please go troll someone else bambino. This is getting a bit ridiculous, don't ya think?
bambino's Avatar
No bambino...I said there is a difference between LE being on the board and LE RUNNING the board. EROS was raided by the DHS.

There is also a difference in LE creating a profile and hanging out waiting and taking over the profile of an EXISTING "SAFE" MEMBER. Just the rumor going around. Stay safe and request a lawyer.

Please go troll someone else bambino. This is getting a bit ridiculous, don't ya think? Originally Posted by Gabrielle
Le is running Eros? But LE infiltrating Indy’s is a great thing? I’m not trolling you. It’s you that can’t have an intelligent, civil conversation. You troll yourself.
Gabrielle's Avatar
Le is running Eros? But LE infiltrating Indy’s is a great thing? Originally Posted by bambino
I never said that bambino. Stop twisting the story. The thread was about EROS.

Stop trolling me.
bambino's Avatar
I never said that bambino. Stop twisting the story. The thread was about EROS.

Stop trolling me. Originally Posted by Gabrielle
And I never said LE is running Indy’s. So quit trolling yourself. Things would actually be safer if LE was running Indy’s. Lots of bad stuff going on there.

She seems to be a nice person and does a good session, But she does have a problem with communication and scheduling. There are many possible reasons for this and I don't want to speculate. So, I am posting this to make others aware of her unreliability in these aspects. If this were to improve, I would see her again. Originally Posted by Don Stephens
She no-contacted me once on 45 minutes notice. Offered the discount on a second attempt.

There was a thread on TOS to this effect. It seems to be a known quantity (something I wish I'd known prior to having it happen, obviously).
Just noticed that she posted a GFYS message to me on her twitter account - with screen shot of my earlier message to her about the repetitive ncns's which ended with "I hope she does well". Of course, in her post she omitted the part of the story that she ncns'ed me three times.

I guess she is not the sweet person I thought she was