Raffle in Dallas

What do you all think of the raffle they're doing in Dallas? It's been posted in several threads, so I'll summarize:

A bunch of premium access hobbyists pooling some funds, then raffling off the proceeds to be spent on one local provider (with her consent of course) on an overnighter. Review required.

Sounds kind of fun to me...
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Sounds like a Pimping Charge waiting to be filed.

People asked for a Raffle at the socials - same kinda thing. Prostitution is a Mis-D; Pimping is a Felony.....PASS on any part of that stuff.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
How is it a Pimping charge?

In my eyes, it's no different than organizing a get together for like-minded individuals and charging an entry fee for the event.

Escorting is not illegal.

The biggest difference I see in this is that one person wins and the other is compensated for her time/companionship whereas in the above instance, the organizers pocket any/all proceeds...including any remaining funds once costs of the event were met=profits.

A raffle, generally means that one winner receives the prize. I'm assuming her time/companionship. Not illegal.

Seems to me that organizing a 'gathering of like minded individuals' would also fall into the Felony category using your argument, wouldn't it?
Clap Clap Clap


Sofacken Sexy and Smart!

Enderwiggin if your playing the raffle IM IN!

Where do I sign up?!?


This does sound like fun and I love games like this, it keeps it things fun!

ANONONE's Avatar
Hmmm. . .looks like someone has posted private information in a public setting.

I know this is over something silly, but there is a reason there are restricted areas around here and breaking that security is a serious problem for all of us.

Please try to remember, if in doubt:

Hmmm. . .looks like someone has posted private information in a public setting.

I know this is over something silly, but there is a reason there are restricted areas around here and breaking that security is a serious problem for all of us.

Please try to remember, if in doubt:

Originally Posted by ANONONE
Calm down, cochise. Its posted in Co-Ed.

[ame="http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=16009"]Providers Sign-Up Sheet For The Hobby Drawing - ECCIE - Your source for escort reviews[/ame]

[ame="http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=15742"]Super bowl raffle - volunteer needed - ECCIE - Your source for escort reviews[/ame]
ANONONE's Avatar
In vague, general terms it is bantered on in co-ed. You divulged specific details about an actual contest? Not good. . .
Got it. Its been corrected and no further references can be found. Moving along then?
fortwortholdguy's Avatar

Calm down, cochise. Its posted in Co-Ed.

[/url] Originally Posted by enderwiggin
Please be so kind as to point out to me where you found the dollar amount each participant was supposed to contribute in Co-ed.

It was supposed to only be posted in the Men's Locker Room.

If it's VenusNova count me in.
O'Mike's Avatar
I don't know about the rest of you folks, but I will trust the guy with the law degree, in matters of the law.
Htowner's Avatar
The raffle was intended to pay for the lady's time and company . Nothing else. Please don't start making assumption that is not within the realm of legally accepted matters.
To my knowledge Eccie does not sponsor, approve or entertain any type of gathering or group acitvity or any meetings of the members .
They are free to do so outside the Eccie umprella. I am not sure why this thread was even was allowed to stay up there but I shall know soon and update you.
srvfin's Avatar
HT... the threads been going for a week now. At last look they had 39 providers signed up.

Not bad......
dearhunter's Avatar
A train wreck waiting to happen.
Htowner's Avatar
No Eccie staff member is involved in this.
They are raffling for time spent with the ladies' or lady .
Stop reading into it.
It is no different than the providers' advertising forum.

Enough sky falling bullshit and talking about something that is drawing attention that is not needed.
You can PM each other with your profound opinions and ask for professional help if you need to.

Seriously, shut the fuck up all of those know it all.