Houston lagging Dallas bigtime.

nebtex1's Avatar
When I signed up to eccie I couldn't help but notice the high number of providers and members from the Dallas area ... I initially thought that was just a function of Dallas adopting eccie in greater number earlier and well before the P went down.

However, since the "New Showcase" feature was added I have noticed that the new showcase additions are still dominated by Dallas ... so Dallas is still growing faster then Houston.

Now my impression on the P was that Houston was the busiest area ... was my impression wrong or was Dallas actually busier then Houston on the P?

My impression of Dallas as a hobby town was pretty negative (based on several visits to Dallas between '04 - '06), but I haven't been to Dallas for a couple of years.
ferdburf's Avatar
I think the old real estate phrase . . . timing, timing, timing . . .

Or was it something else? No, I think it's timing.
  • pyro
  • 02-14-2010, 08:29 PM
call it regional pride, but dallas has nothing on the Houston scene.
our local economy is stronger hence the new talent. Im spoiled since before BT. Still if you are a gentleman and have half decent networking skills, BT was just a speed bump in the road.
Back to the subject, our local ladies are top notch. Go to dallas and take a wrong exit, you'll end uo in Plano...

just my $.02
nebtex1's Avatar
I agree that Houston has better strip clubs and a better hobby scene (although my Dallas experiences are limited and dated). My point and ? was about the activity of the websites of the old P vs. eccie.

Oh ... and the phase for reale state and especially retail is location, location, location ... but for the hobby I agree that timing ... is the better phrase.
nebtex1's Avatar
pyro ... you know one of my weaknesses is networking (I am more of a loner and less social ... I guess it the accountant in me) and I am very shy about discussing the hobby face to face (except maybe with a provider or in a strip club type environment), so I find this type of website extremely helpful.
ibechill's Avatar
To me it seems Dallas has a better selection of girls.
ferdburf's Avatar
Sorry, but my reference was to timing after a certain social event in Houston that was attended by uninvited guests. I think the Houston forum has been terribly quiet since that event, and understandably so. I was borrowing from the real estate phrase location, location, location for emphasis (and attempted humor - rimshot).
carkido45's Avatar
Dallas isn't better just different.
Wayward's Avatar
Old P started in Houston, the tiny e started in Dallas and ferd is right about timing. I blame Bill White, but he is about to get run over by the karma train so it will all work out.

There are a lot of great ladies in Texas.
True Dallas is different. I will tell you why Dallas has more activivity and there are three reasons. First is because the owners are in Dallas and this board started from the Dallas area with a Dallas base just like the P started as a Houston board with a Houston base since Amber was living in Houston when she started the P. Second is because the P was still going and virtually nobody was active on this site in the Houston area due to their loyaltiy to the P and the third is because of the bust of the P social in December. Here is [ame="http://www.eccie.net/showpost.php?p=261&postcount=1 "]the first thread started in the Houston Co-Ed[/ame] back in March 2009. Now the growth is due to the death of the P which has given Eccie critical mass and becasue of that mass, it continues to grow which is a good thing.

Yes, timing is everything in most anything.