Even Federal Judges Aren't Immune...

incognito's Avatar
... to the thug-life full of guns, drugs, and strippers. Whats that line about glasshouses and rocks again?

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
What a sick story.

"This is really a case between Judge Camp and his wife. It's not about Judge Camp being a judge. It's about him being a husband," said Morrison, who added: "It is not a case about judging. It's a case about judgment."

Yeah right!
LexusLover's Avatar

Perhaps they will bunk together.
AshrDashr's Avatar
Jeez! Another case of someone in a position of power thinking they are above the law. This is gonna have ripples for years.
boardman's Avatar
They got caught, that's all.
LexusLover's Avatar
They got caught, that's all. Originally Posted by boardman
When one in their positions do the things they were doing, it is not getting "caught" ......

.... it is something else ..... it's like they were openly engaging in addictive behavior with people and around people that they knew would give them up in a heart beat.....for their own benefit and/or advancement ... with a heavy dose of arrogance and invincibility.
I agree with boardman. He got caught, that's it. He's no different than anyone else, this crap happens all the time, hell, I've probably done this stuff a few times, well except the getting high part, but he got caught, so he gets to be news fodder because he's a judge. Whoopie...
LexusLover's Avatar
These guys, and people in similar circumstances, pass judgment on people daily and often effectively destroy their lives for doing the same thing that they have been doing. They are not .... "no different from anyone else" .... they are much different .... how many people walking down the street can qualify, ethically, professionally, and politically to be appointed to a Federal bench?

The sad fact is that someone like Bill Clinton does what Judge Kent did, and he gets a pass..... because .... he's "no different than anyone else"? They both preyed on employees and lied about it. One goes to prison for 33 months and one gets sent on Presidential missions.

This is not about Clinton, as far as I am concerned. It is about abuse of authority and power with impunity for some, and not others.
boardman's Avatar
The qualifications aren't what they used to be...

how many people walking down the street can qualify, ethically, professionally, and politically to be appointed to a Federal bench? Originally Posted by LexusLover
This guy qualified...now look how ethical, professional and political he is. Him, and anyone else like him is no better or worse than you or I.

Corporate CEOs have ruined more private lives in this country than any judge has. As long as he's following the rule of law when he's passing judgements in his professional life, who gives a crap what he does in his personal life? If he breaks the law he gets punished just like anyone else. We in society have a tendency to be hypocrites. We hate it when people in positions of responsibility make mistakes, but yet we forgive athletes and actors for transgressions when they arguably have much more influence on people's lives than any judge.

What it boils down to is that we love to see the people in positions of responsibility take a hit, when in fact we should be treating them like any other person, and ignoring their dumb asses...besides, if he'd read the "So You Want To Date A Stripper" thread he'd have saved himself a lot of trouble...
LexusLover's Avatar
Boardman, not to parse words, but I think the "qualifications" are essentially the same, the "standards" in the selection process of those "qualified" have lowered, in my opinion, although in years past, long years ago, the "selection process" was even more "political" and less publicized.

Personally, I do not like to see anyone "take a hit" for anything ... even those for whom I lack any respect, but I do expect a higher standard out of those who are entrusted with protecting the "common" folks from government and tasked with the responsibility of punishing those who have committed crimes sufficiently serious to earn the attention of a Federal Judge. It is not about just one or two Judges. It reflects on the system and gives folks "talking points" with which to attack the judiciary.

As for "CEO's" .... they should be appropriately punished for their sexual advances and harassment just like public officials and public servants... including, but not limited to, terminations and loss of benefits.

I view all elected and hired government officials, local, state, and federal, as public servants .... which means they are there to serve the public, and the citizens and taxpayers they serve are their bosses.... not the other way around as it seems THEY view it.

I am looking forward this fall to some FIRING!
Boardman, not to parse words, but I think the "qualifications" are essentially the same, the "standards" in the selection process of those "qualified" have lowered, in my opinion, although in years past, long years ago, the "selection process" was even more "political" and less publicized.

Personally, I do not like to see anyone "take a hit" for anything ... even those for whom I lack any respect, but I do expect a higher standard out of those who are entrusted with protecting the "common" folks from government and tasked with the responsibility of punishing those who have committed crimes sufficiently serious to earn the attention of a Federal Judge. It is not about just one or two Judges. It reflects on the system and gives folks "talking points" with which to attack the judiciary.

As for "CEO's" .... they should be appropriately punished for their sexual advances and harassment just like public officials and public servants... including, but not limited to, terminations and loss of benefits.

I view all elected and hired government officials, local, state, and federal, as public servants .... which means they are there to serve the public, and the citizens and taxpayers they serve are their bosses.... not the other way around as it seems THEY view it.

I am looking forward this fall to some FIRING! Originally Posted by LexusLover
LLover....... calm down. It will be great fun 'firing' next month. This guy is off the bench. Can't do it anymore. This should make you smile because you can be in your 'Happy Place'. If you don't calm down, somebody is going to duct tape you to the wall........ if we can still do that kind of stuff anymore. I hope so, cause you need to drink a different Kool-aid!!!

As the great philosopher 'The Most Interesting Fat Man' said, "Hang in there my friend and stay hungry".
blowpop's Avatar
I have to chuckle at this one. Another "tough on _____" crusader who gets caught doing precisely what he crusades against.

You'd think that at some point, we as a society would learn to look very critically at anyone who comes out strongly against anything.

Live and let live, folks.
incognito's Avatar
I have to chuckle at this one. Another "tough on _____" crusader who gets caught doing precisely what he crusades against.

You'd think that at some point, we as a society would learn to look very critically at anyone who comes out strongly against anything.

Live and let live, folks. Originally Posted by blowpop
Spot on blowpop. How many times have we seen this as a nation? From preachers to judges to presidents...

As for the firing this fall, who's to say the new Congress would be any different? Since authority and power existed there has always been those that will abuse them. A person's religious beliefs and political leanings will not change this. Same Sh*t sandwich but different flavor unfortunately. All we can do is vote and hope for the best...
LexusLover's Avatar
As for the firing this fall, who's to say the new Congress would be any different? Originally Posted by incognito
Often some firings remind those not fired that their presence ...

.... is temporary and dependent on their performance.