This has NEVER been about winning the election for Trump

Texas Playboy's Avatar
No, there is something else going on.

Trump, Stephen Bannon (ex-Breitbart) and Roger Ailes (ex-Fox) will form a new media venture to galvanize the Alt-Right movement after the election. They will have in their hands all the email and social media information collected from the presidential run and from the GOP. That info is worth $billions to a startup media giant. Their political targets will be Fox News and the Republican Party. Hillary will be the perfect foil for them as they blame her for the economic recession that is coming when the Fed starts to raise interest rates to protect the dollar. They will blame Ryan and the Republican old guard for failing to mount a successful attack against her liberal agenda.

They will aggressively purchase radio stations, struggling red-state newspapers, possibly a second tier TV network. They have seen how good riots in the streets are for media revenues.

Folks it won't end after the election. It'll just be phase two of the plan. Trump never intended to win, and this explains his behavior. His goal is to incite about 1/3 of Americans, which is plenty to form a loyal (and profitable) media company.

I'm telling you, this is the game plan. Get ready for the country to be ripped apart even further. I distrust HRC, despise her collectivist ideology, and I shed no tears for her as she attempts to lead a hopelessly fractured nation that she participated heavily in fracturing.

But this is what the next stage of the USA's demise will look like. Racial strife, civil disorder and economic turmoil. Political violence can't be that far away. God help us all. Where are the lifeboats?
bambino's Avatar
No, there is something else going on.

Trump, Stephen Bannon (ex-Breitbart) and Roger Ailes (ex-Fox) will form a new media venture to galvanize the Alt-Right movement after the election. They will have in their hands all the email and social media information collected from the presidential run and from the GOP. That info is worth $billions to a startup media giant. Their political targets will be Fox News and the Republican Party. Hillary will be the perfect foil for them as they blame her for the economic recession that is coming when the Fed starts to raise interest rates to protect the dollar. They will blame Ryan and the Republican old guard for failing to mount a successful attack against her liberal agenda.

They will aggressively purchase radio stations, struggling red-state newspapers, possibly a second tier TV network. They have seen how good riots in the streets are for media revenues.

Folks it won't end after the election. It'll just be phase two of the plan. Trump never intended to win, and this explains his behavior. His goal is to incite about 1/3 of Americans, which is plenty to form a loyal (and profitable) media company.

I'm telling you, this is the game plan. Get ready for the country to be ripped apart even further. I distrust HRC, despise her collectivist ideology, and I shed no tears for her as she attempts to lead a hopelessly fractured nation that she participated heavily in fracturing.

But this is what the next stage of the USA's demise will look like. Racial strife, civil disorder and economic turmoil. Political violence can't be that far away. God help us all. Where are the lifeboats? Originally Posted by Texas Playboy
Plausible conspiracy theory. You left out the formation of a third political party to challenge the establishment. Which is plausible too.