Texas may very well be in play...

Yssup Rider's Avatar
There's shitload of moderate Republicans in Texas. White women. And religimous folk as well.

Another week of Trump's tantrums and tirades and we just might see Texas vote BLUE!


New poll shows Trump's Texas lead shrinking
A new poll of Texas voters shows Donald Trump's lead shrinking in the Lone Star State, to within the margin of error.

Jason Whitely, WFAA 10:26 PM. CDT October 13, 2016

DALLAS - After perhaps the most damaging week of his campaign, Donald Trump’s lead in Texas has slipped to four percentage points – within the margin of error – according to a new poll released Thursday night.

The survey, commissioned by WFAA-TV and Texas TEGNA television stations, shows Trump leading Hillary Clinton by 47 percent to 43 percent. The margin of error is four percent.

"I think to put these numbers in context - it shows that Trump's position has eroded a little bit. His lead is down to four percentage points according to this poll, but even in the wake of some really terrible news for him, he still leads in Texas, which shows what a tough nut Texas is to crack for Democratic candidates right now,” said Matthew Wilson, Associate Professor of Political Science at Southern Methodist University in Dallas.

SurveyUSA conducted the poll between Monday and Wednesday of this week – after both the 2005 video in which Trump used lewd comments describing women and the second presidential debate in St. Louis on Sunday night.

In recent weeks, two other statewide polls showed Trump up by six and seven points, respectively.

"It pretty consistently shows that Trump is struggling in Texas more than a Republican typically would,” Wilson added. “He's still highly likely to win the state in the end but we typically see double digit margins for Republican candidates and Trump seems unlikely to produce that.

For perspective, Mitt Romney won Texas by 16 points in 2012, John McCain won this state by 13 points in 2008, George W. Bush carried his home state by 23 points in 2004, and 22 points in 2000 when he was elected to his first term.

The eroding support in the largest Republican state in the country could suggest deeper problems for Trump nationwide, Wilson explained.

Regionally, Trump leads by eight points in North Texas, which includes Dallas and Fort Worth and 41 surrounding counties. In Houston and 59 surrounding counties making up east and southeast Texas, Trump leads Clinton by six points.

Trump has his strongest support in west Texas, including El Paso and 87 counties – leading his Democratic challenger by 15 points.

But Clinton is ahead in Austin, San Antonio and Central Texas. She also leads by nine points in the Rio Grande Valley.

Separately, the approval rating for U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz is evenly split; 45 percent approve of his job performance and 45 percent disapprove with 10 percent uncertain.

"It suggests that he may be looking at a significant primary challenge a couple years from now and I know that's something he's got on his mind,” said Wilson.

Cruz, who faces re-election in 2018, refused to endorse Trump in a high-profile speech at the Republican National Convention but finally gave in after intense pressure from his own party.

Respondents in the survey also gave opinions on two social issues making headlines in this state over recent weeks.

When asked whether transgender students should be able to use the restroom with which the identify, 54 percent said no, 38 percent said yes, and eight percent were uncertain.

"The other interesting thing that it points to is that you've got some number of people who are saying they oppose transgender students using the bathroom of their choice who are also saying they support Hillary Clinton because 54 percent of people are opposed to transgender bathroom access but you've only got 40 something percent supporting Donald Trump. Those people are almost certainly black and Latino voters who've got socially conservative values but who are attracted to the Democratic ticket for other reasons,” said Wilson.

When asked if refugees from places such as Syria should be allowed to resettle in Texas, 54 percent said no, 34 percent said yes and 13 percent were unsure.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
that would be too fucking funny. The conservative talk show hosts would get even nuttier than what they already are.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I think it's a long shot, but like I said, after another week of Trump's bad behavior, who knows what could happen.

HIs lengthy, painful meltdown reminds me of some we've seen around here.
LexusLover's Avatar
Travis County must be a buzz!
gfejunkie's Avatar
Texas may very well be in play... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
LexusLover's Avatar
Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Yes .... the Hillary Forever yard signs are EVERYWHERE!!!!

(Sarcasm Alert!)
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Four points is within the margin of error, Queen LLatifah.

Like I now have said twice, I think I its a long shot, but Clinton will win states where the current polling is within the margins of error.

And don't overlook the YUGE spike in voter registration in the border region.

Texas women like to have their pussies grabbed, right?
gfejunkie's Avatar
Texas women like to have their pussies grabbed, right? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Depends on the tip ($).