Voyeurism! Do you like to watch?

Kelly TNT's Avatar


I'm curious if anyone has paid to watch a provider have sex with someone else?

A former provider friend of mine used to offer this service with her boyfriend.
I remember asking her how their business was.....and she told me they booked at least 4 appointments a week for this!

I always thought that was soo hot!!

So, what do you guys think? Is it something you'd try? Or, have you already?

Since I have never offered a service like this before...
I'm wondering....

Just watch them have sex? Play with your own business during?

Just watch Them Play? You have sex with just her After?

Watch them have sex? And be their director or Maybe cheer them on as they go?

Hell, I don't know! That's why I'm asking!!

I have had sex in public...Once! And Oooh let me tell you...
It was sooo Crazy Hot!
We were soo into each other that we never even noticed if someone saw us fucking!!....
(did I just use the "F" word? Sorry!! Heee!!)

Any Thoughts??

~Kelly TNT
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 08-16-2009, 06:07 AM
I do like it Kell, when I do doubles sometimes while they are getting hot and heavy I get off the bed and just watch and then I like to get up close for a birds eye view....It can be very stimulating and then I have to join back in....
Mesquitor's Avatar
Kelly, I want to be the first to offer my services . . .

If you ever have anyone who wants to book a "watching session" I will be happy to be your partner in the session. You are such a sweetheart that you can even have my half of the fee we will be charging for our time.

I know . . . I know . . . that is unbelievably unselfish on my part but that's OK. I'm willing to do what I can to help our hobby succeed!
steverino50's Avatar
Kelly, I just want to watch you watching me watching you....all at the same time....get it?
If Mesquitor is busy that day, I will be willing to step in and waive my hourly fee.

One of my favorite college experiences, that I can remember, was my two female roomates walking in and watching me and my girlfriend in the living room cheering us on and making suggestions. For some reason she never came back to visit again.
TexEngnr's Avatar
Kelly, you are going to have to implement a lottery or something to select fairly between the volunteers to be your partner for this.

(Oh, by the way, put my name at the top of the list please.)
otrdriver's Avatar
me too me too lol seriously! count me in too
I love, love, LOVE to watch! A few times I have had gentlemen bring ladies with them for doubles and ALWAYS find it VERY hot to stand back and watch while THEY play...joining in of course!
Kelly TNT's Avatar
So, besides the ladies...and my Ummm..." Volunteers" (Ahem..).... :-P

Has anyone ever done this before????




Alrighty then...

~Kelly TNT
  • C0896
  • 08-19-2009, 10:41 PM

I would most certainly watch but I am not sure I would pay for it and that is your question.

Would I pay for it if discounted, maybe. Not that it is about the money I would just prefer to book the session.

To answer your question I would have no issue taking care of business on my own - I think it would be more weird to direct or join in afterward. Unless invited of course

If it were girl on girl I may be more inclined to watch. Instead of the girls trying to figure out how to take care of me in a FMF they could just get busy. IF they were into each other that is something I would want to see. Never know, I might get lucky at the end of it!
Kelly TNT's Avatar
I can respect that.

Ya know...I'm certainly not saying that it is something I'm thinking about doing in the near future...

But, I was reminded of this after visiting with my now retired friend.

She asked me if anyone I knew was offering that type of service these days.

I told her I honestly didn't know.

I thought it would be an interesting topic...especially if someone had actually done this before!

Thanks for your reply!

~Kelly TNT
I had a gentleman contact me a couple of years ago who wanted to bring his wife for a massage +. He asked if he would be able to watch. I have a chair in my room and it was pretty fun all the way around.

I had a gentleman just yesterday call and ask me about bringing a lady along.

Hot, hot, HOT!

I've had a couple of gentlemen that brought a lady with them for their session (I don't have a regular doubles partner). That has always worked out very well. I'm like you, fawn, I think it's great to step back and watch...at least for a LITTLE bit!
Mesquitor's Avatar
I'm certainly not going to look to look the other way if the opportunity presented itself, however, I'm not one who is interested in just watching. Maybe as a prelude to something else but it would be difficult (actually "hard" but I didn't want to use the pun) to leave after only a watching session.

Just my $ .02 . . . adjusted, of course, for inflation.
  • YSD
  • 08-21-2009, 01:23 PM
Not at all interested in watching. It creeps me out a little bit. Don't mind others watching, but I do not like it for myself.
elpocitopolloloco's Avatar
Kelly, I think I would do with a mask and cape....sort of like eyes wide shut. Other than that...I like my anonymity.