More than a hobby phone. Poor bastards

Guest101610-2's Avatar
This has happened to me a number of times but it has just now, today, become something that maybe you all should be aware of. I can't be the only one with this capability.

A new client called me a few min ago to set up an appt. When the num came in I let my nifty little program decode it, I saw that it was a person named Bob Shell (all names and locations have been changed to protect the poor bastard that I'm talking about.)

I answered and we talked (all the while I'm looking up Bob Shell with the address that came up on my screen to cross ref it with big brother.)

It took about 3 min to come to an arrangement for an appt tomorrow. I gave him the intersection and wished him well, see you tomorrow.

Before I could hang up he said, "aren't you going to screen me? It makes me nervous when a provider doesn't screen me."

"As well it should my dear Bob. Is your full name Bob Shell of 2435 west grove st. City of Dallas?" Ommmm, yes it is how did.... "Are you a doctor employed at bayler medical, Burn unit?" Omm well yes I am, but I haven't even told you my name yet."

I know, you didn't. You gotta love Big Brother sometimes. See you tomorrow.

Next time a provider doesn't ask you for refs, maybe you should be concerned for a different reason.

OK now just because we don't ask you for information doesn't mean we don't already know how many kids you have. For all you retards that use a phone registered to you or your wife (yes her name pops up too,) I will know everything about you before you even say hello. I'm a safe bet though. I won't screw you with your own name, but there are plenty of others that will. Blocked Calls are decoded the same way. You actually have NO where to hide UNLESS YOU GET A HOBBY PHONE. It's the last of the days that unknown pirates can murk about in these waters.

I'm grudgingly for hobby phones. They are imperative for your protection, but they sure make my job harder. Guys, get hobby phones. Just because your wife doesn't catch you doesn't mean you aren't in serious trouble.
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
I hope Big Brother never figures out a way to tell you penis size...I'll never get another appointment...LOL
I received a voicemail from a guy the other day stating over and over again "DON'T CALL ME BACK. I AM MARRIED AND THIS IS MY HOME PHONE!". I thought to myself, MAN! I'm sure glad that he was calling ME!

I actually spoke with him today and educated him about these things as much as I could. He called ME back...I did NOT call him! LOL!

That is some freaky stuff Kayla...I may ask if you might share with me what you know...
Introuble's Avatar
Note to self - Don't call Kayla.
Guest101610-2's Avatar
Introuble you called my phone years ago already.

You guys can joke all you want, but you're damn lucky you now have this information. I got about 14 emails from providers I've never heard of saying they had the same program and wasn't it awesome etc.

Anyone that is worried is already sort of a retard because that means you are calling from a phone that is tied to you somehow.

Come on now, this is supposed to be information for you guys.
It was good information. What is the program?
Introuble's Avatar
For the safety of all hobbyist, what is the program? Thank you in advance.
Introuble's Avatar
I guess I am impatient waiting on Kayla.

Here is a software package that does exactly what she describes. Anyone calling you that has blocked their number can be seen with this software. It does work as I have tried it. It does not load anything on your cell, but rather routes the call to someplace, and 3 seconds later the call shows up on your cell phone with the REAL information. You can then decide to answer it or not. This appears to be free for phone number ID and $9.95/mo for number and name.

Now when a provider calls you, you can see just as much about her as she does about you....unless she uses a hobby phone as Kayla suggests. I am still not sure how this capability enabled Kayla to get his employment and other info she claims to have gotten in the time frame she suggests. Maybe a little stretch in facts maybe?


P.S. I know a provider that simply does not block her number since she used a fake name to get her phone.
Bob Soldios's Avatar
Yeah, Trapcall has a great bit going on. They can give you anonimity, of course they can also sell you the services to see through that if someone tries to be anonymous to you.

I'm curious how well big brother tracers would work with the new Google voice service....
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
Sounds like none of this modern technology can look inside your pants and check the size of your pecker. Guess I might get an appointment with one of these girls one day after all!!!