My Compliments to the Chef

elpocitopolloloco's Avatar
I must say that ECCIE is a remarkable experience. The way this exchange was implemented provides a lot of usability. For example, when I get a PM, I love that I don't have to log in to ECCIE to read the message in my email. This is really important when I'm no longer sitting at a desk but can read the memo on my phone.

The drama factor is low to nonexistent. That's a major plus. More providers are starting to join the coed discussion and the place more ads. The reviews are ramping up as well from our notables with unbelievable quotables. I love the diversity...too much of any one thing is no good for anyone. You can find and enjoy the spice of life on ECCIE.

For our owners, staff, and gracious hosts, my deepest compliments.

Cheers to you!
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 08-26-2009, 08:13 PM
Ok, I second the motion...............
Hell, I thought this thread was about me LOL. I agree pretty nice place with lots of old friends.
It just feels so, so...what IS the word? So peaceful here! I am telling all the good people I know to come check it out. I don't know how many are actually coming here but I'm trying my best!

BTW LuckJack, I thought this thread was about you too! LOL!
Ok, I second the motion............... Originally Posted by fawn
All in favor, say AYE!