Trump will win the 2024 election and he is not doing it on his own!

Cody69's Avatar
You Republicans need to send money to Biden's campaign fund. He is doing everything in his power to lose the election. Open Borders, no need to mention anything else.

There is ZERO doubt in my mind we will have that crazed nut case as a president again with all the bullshit to go with it because of who ever is the head of the democratic party that makes the decision of what to do to win has to be a Republican.

Nothing has been done with the boarders for three years, there are thousands of people moving to the USA and the democrats just sit and laugh and drink a Shirley Temple on the porch.

It is going to be the biggest landslide in US history and no one to blame except the democrats.

We will probably be speaking Russian in the next 5 years.
eyecu2's Avatar
Nyet comrade.

However I do think that the chair for the DNC is an idiot- Jaime Harrison.
Same thing happened in 2016 when they allowed Hillary first right of refusal, by Donna Brazil, which resulted in her being the candidate versus someone who was less divisive. Literally anybody else could have walked into that job against Trump and won..

The key takeaway for me as a left-leaning Republican, is when your divisive you lose votes. It's happened to Trump, it happened to Hillary, and it will happen again - if Trump keeps his rhetoric up. Joe Biden needs to go back to the speech where he tries to get people to work together. And Jamie Harrison needs to get the fuck out of politics since he doesn't know what he's doing. I would say both parties are terrible when it comes to their chair people.
Cody69's Avatar
Nyet comrade.

However I do think that the chair for the DNC is an idiot- Jaime Harrison.
Same thing happened in 2016 when they allowed Hillary first right of refusal, by Donna Brazil, which resulted in her being the candidate versus someone who was less divisive. Literally anybody else could have walked into that job against Trump and won..

The key takeaway for me as a left-leaning Republican, is when your divisive you lose votes. It's happened to Trump, it happened to Hillary, and it will happen again - if Trump keeps his rhetoric up. Joe Biden needs to go back to the speech where he tries to get people to work together. And Jamie Harrison needs to get the fuck out of politics since he doesn't know what he's doing. I would say both parties are terrible when it comes to their chair people. Originally Posted by eyecu2
I go one step more. Both parties need to quit and hire all new people. This country was great years ago, every year is just another nail in the coffin.
I go one step more. Both parties need to quit and hire all new people. This country was great years ago, every year is just another nail in the coffin. Originally Posted by Cody69

Further. Dismantle the rigid two party system. The simple fact that if your choice candidate doesn't get into the primaries, or to the final poll, that you have to vote for the person you dislike the least, is utterly stupid. Ranked choice is the way to go.

But any step going forward with changing how our voting works needs to be done by the two parties in power. And the two parties in power will absolutely not do anything that would weaken either of their abilities to remain in power.
... Lads - your FEAR - it's DELICIOUS! ...

That said, mates - WHAT'S with all the whining??

"Dismantle the rigid two party system"??

"... quit and hire all new people."??

"Biggest landslide in US history"

... Hey mates - whatever happened to THE PEOPLE vote for
the candidate they choose?? ... Isn't THAT fairness??

... You fellows seem less blue that Trump is so Popular -
and MORE blue that Biden is NOT.

### Salty
Nope…they just don’t like the current 2 Party system and our choices. There’s a lot of us.
eyecu2's Avatar
Literally I'll vote for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich before Trump.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Literally I'll vote for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich before Trump. Originally Posted by eyecu2

so you'll vote for Corn Pop Biden just because he's not Trump?

what makes Biden better .. and not just because he's not Trump?
berryberry's Avatar
Nothing has been done with the boarders for three years, there are thousands of people moving to the USA and the democrats just sit and laugh and drink a Shirley Temple on the porch.
Originally Posted by Cody69
Glad you are finally beginning to see the light.

I hope you enjoy your hard earned taxes going to pay for all the illegals Senile Biden and the Democrats have let invade our country
Literally I'll vote for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich before Trump. Originally Posted by eyecu2
So will I, and so will most American voters
so you'll vote for Corn Pop Biden just because he's not Trump? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

what makes Biden better .. and not just because he's not Trump? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
We're under no obligation to list a bunch of reasons that you won't accept anyway. Suffice to say, there are many, but "because he's not trump" is as good as any. trump sucks.
Cody69's Avatar
Glad you are finally beginning to see the light.

I hope you enjoy your hard earned taxes going to pay for all the illegals Senile Biden and the Democrats have let invade our country Originally Posted by berryberry
I hope you enjoy your hard earned taxes going to pay for all the illegals Senile Biden and the Democrats have let invade our country

I would rather pay the higher taxes for poverty people than give it to the rich (Remember 1.7 Trillion tax break). I seen a lot of them at Dallas Pike a couple of weeks ago traveling. No matter how a poverty alien is scum in your book, they would help and do more for you than some rich kid jackoff that you guys worship.

If Pee Wee Herman wouldn't have died, I would write his name in before I would vote for the rapist crook Trump. Always remember that.

Trump said it years ago, if he ran for President, he would run as a republican, because they are stupid. Not my words, Trumps.

One last thing that you giving nothing but the facts, where are they? Republicans are just as much to blame if not more for the aliens, they will not make a law for the borders and that has been on for over30 years. So don't cut your party short. They are a constant source of Embarrassment.
Leave it up to the GOP to point fingers and blame someone on the sidelines to saying the two party system is corrupt.

With a two party system, if your primary candidate isn't in the finals, you have to vote for who you dislike most, else your vote doesn't matter.
It's a folly on both parties, democratic and republican. With regards to the two party system, both are guilty of for all intents and purposes, rigging the vote and keeping any potential third parties locked out.
Moving away from our two party system would require both existing parties (who are both in power) to relinquish power so that there can be a third, or fourth party running in the polls with a legitimate change to dethrone them.

Both parties are corrupt in that they will not, in any way shape or form, do anything to dismantle how deeply rooted our two party system is. And that is what I think is a problem. This pre-dates the MAGA movement, so put on your nappies again I'm not talking about MAGAs at all.

In the final polls, if Trump is not taken off the ballot, people who are for trump will vote for trump. People against trump will vote for not-trump. Doesn't matter who it is, if can be John fucking Elwood, they'll vote whoever is the opposition to Trump.
Same with Biden. If you are a biden supporter, great! vote for him. If you loathe him and don't like him, you'll vote for not-biden. Doesn't matter who it will be, be it trump, desantes, or whatever, you'll vote not-joe.

Do you all really think that America is the most healthy of democracies when the final votes we do are for who we hate the least? That's fucking stupid
Cody69's Avatar
... Lads - your FEAR - it's DELICIOUS! ...

That said, mates - WHAT'S with all the whining??

"Dismantle the rigid two party system"??

"... quit and hire all new people."??

"Biggest landslide in US history"

... Hey mates - whatever happened to THE PEOPLE vote for
the candidate they choose?? ... Isn't THAT fairness??

... You fellows seem less blue that Trump is so Popular -
and MORE blue that Biden is NOT.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Salt, its not whining, its facts. Republicans live in a dream world. Of all people, You know that. We read you guys posts everyday. You make it that Trump was a hero. Seriously what has he done? All the facts that you and your friends produce is from far right extremeist. Go Figure. Back those facts up. Comedy for sure.

You don't remember the 200,000 people dyeing because Trump said it was a hoax? You don't remember the killings for the lost election? You don't remember 10% unemployment? You don't remember that constant chaos everyday that Trump caused? You don't remember everyday at 5 o'clock him being on TV saying how great he was and no other president done what he done before? You don't remember the people in there cars begging for food from the food banks near the Stadium? You don't remember how the people who actually do the work for everybody in our country that there wages were frozen to poverty wages? $7.25 an hour think about that one time. Yes he is for the USA only, right. What a joke.

You talk out of both sides of your mouth, one minute you told me the other day the 2020 election Donald John Trump was way down in the polls, from previous comments you said from the other side, Biden had stolen the election. I understand why you are republican now.

Why do we have Biden? Because of the piece of shit we had that he ran against. We may have that same piece again, with any luck we will. Scary, best of the two evils.

Go Joe!!
In Trump's defense (and I'll crucify myself for this), 10% unemployment wasn't entirely Trump's fault. Nobody could had predicted covid, however Trump's own rhetoric and what he fed his worshipers directly contributed to the 200k American deaths and the high unemployment.

I don't blame him entirely, however his policies could have softened the blow if they... you know, kind of acknowledged that there was a deadly global pandemic going around.

If Trump only listened to the people who knew more about pandemics than he did, and issued country wide stay at home, then Trump would have had at least 200k or more followers come election season. But he didn't, and they died, and if they didn't die, they lost their jobs.

But yea, on every other point, spot on. You can't be a Trump supporter without also embracing ignorance and lies.