only racists vote for Trump.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
not if you ask Jamie Dimon.

Jamie Dimon Explains Why It's Not Hard to See Why People Support Donald Trump

Some liberal media folks are freaking out again after Donald Trump bulldozed his competition in the Iowa Caucuses Monday, clinching a historic margin of victory over Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley. Trump secured 51 percent of the vote, whereas Ron and Nikki came in second and third with 21 percent and 19 percent, respectively. Either way, it was a landslide win for Trump, which meant some liberal outlets had total meltdowns. MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow had one, albeit more academic, warning how Trump’s primary victory means we’re edging closer to authoritarianism.

The usual talking points are being rehashed about Trump’s political success correlating with the Left’s insane theories about white supremacy and racism. You know the deal here: only racists vote for Trump. JP Morgan’s Jamie Dimon had a real problem with the resurgence of these sentiments from the Left, noting that the cities aren’t the only bastions where people are innovating. In essence, Dimon was saying that Trump supporters aren’t extremists—75 million people voted for him in 2020—and there needs to be a return to a more sensible, respectful tone. Oh, and did we mention that Dimon is a Nikki Haley supporter?

Dimon laid out the secret sauce behind Trump’s political stability. It’s not rocket science: he was right about immigration, NATO, grew the economy at a solid rate before the COVID pandemic, and his tax bill worked (so much that Democrats don’t want most of it repealed). Dimon didn’t like how he framed some of these issues, but he was proven right at their core.

He added that Democrats have done a pretty good job forcing the division with the “deplorables” line and making us hate one another. Now, we’ll see if that changes because Wall Street folks and bankers change positions based on the political winds, like Nikki Haley, but this was a solid observation from someone who is decidedly not a hardcore MAGA guy.

speaking of the madcow ...

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Nobody ever said "only racists vote for trump".

Plenty of morons, as well as good old-fashioned evil motherfuckers, vote for him too. Racists are just one piece of the shit puzzle currently plaguing America.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Nobody ever said "only racists vote for trump".

Plenty of morons, as well as good old-fashioned evil motherfuckers, vote for him too. Racists are just one piece of the shit puzzle currently plaguing America. Originally Posted by tommy156

you did read the part where Dimon singles out the DEMOCRATS for pushing political divide yes?
Waco said “He added that Democrats have done a pretty good job forcing the division with the “deplorables” line and making us hate one another”.

I don’t think republicans need the dems help making us hate each other. There are many of us Trump hating deplorables that will never understand the cult and will never vote for the lying, trolling, embarrassing POS again.
With how awful the Biden administration has been, it's easier today to tollerate trump than in 2020.
eyecu2's Avatar
Jamie Dimon is a favorite of Maria Bartiromo.
She's always touting him and his they almost always support her anti DEMs approach.

In the end Jamie is right half the time and wrong half the time when it comes to his justifications and rationalizations about economics. Many of his predictions have been way wrong. Matter of fact he is one of the guys that predicted a recession prior and is still ringing that Bell. Albeit now he's saying it might not be as bad as he once thought.

In the end Jamie Dimon is just a fucking douchebag rich guy, who's batting average is less than average. I mean the guy is still saying Dems are calling the maga crowd deplorable - haven't seen that on any news except conservative news - which tells you where he's tuning in. Fresh new information from the alternative facts channel
I don’t think republicans need the dems help making us hate each other. There are many of us Trump hating deplorables that will never understand the cult and will never vote for the lying, trolling, embarrassing POS again. Originally Posted by Charley3
Yeah, trump and his despicable voters are doing great job all by themselves of dividing the country. His entire campaign, from day one, has been driven by hatred, fear, racism, lies and bigotry. Most of the country says "fuck that". It's not our job, nor is it our obligation, to tolerate that shit. Embarrassing is probably the best single word to describe it all.

Gonna vote for trump again in '24? Don't ever dare bemoan the fact that we are a divided nation. His voters are the primary reason for that.
eyecu2's Avatar
Thats 100% correct Tommy. The MAGA's are more accusatory towards the DEMs but have yet to find a single solution to any problems. Despite having a majority in the house, how the fuck come those finger pointing ding dongs, aren't able to solve one damn thing??

It might be cause they are still so freshly and stingy, burny, butt hurt over the double impeachment of DJT, and his crew of insurrectionists. The division has been on the majority of RIGHT WING media. The terms most often used: Leftist, Socialists, Evil, the Radical Left, and more; but what's interesting is an analysis of the division that is being sowed both on TV, and by a prolific poster who uses the same high-school tactics of gaslighting:
Fox and hate
For our study, we analyzed 1,088 program transcripts from the two ideologically branded channels — right-wing Fox and left-wing MSNBC — between 6 p.m. and 10:59 p.m.

Because polarized media diets contribute to partisan conflict, our quantitative analysis identified terms indicating antipathy or resentment, such as “dislike,” “despise,” “can’t stand” and “hate.”
We expected to find that both of the strongly ideological networks made use of such words, perhaps in different ways. Instead, we found that Fox used antipathy words five times more often than MSNBC. “Hate” really stood out: It appeared 647 times on Fox, compared to 118 on MSNBC.

Fox usually pairs certain words alongside “hate.” The most notable was “they” — as in, “they hate.” Fox used this phrase 101 times between January and May. MSNBC used it just five times.

Yeah, trump and his despicable voters are doing great job all by themselves of dividing the country. His entire campaign, from day one, has been driven by hatred, fear, racism, lies and bigotry. Most of the country says "fuck that". It's not our job, nor is it our obligation, to tolerate that shit. Embarrassing is probably the best single word to describe it all.

Gonna vote for trump again in '24? Don't ever dare bemoan the fact that we are a divided nation. His voters are the primary reason for that. Originally Posted by tommy156

In the end- the division comes from those who are pouring on the gasoline- and inflating division vs. the people who simply rely of facts and observations- You know- Non-Gaslighting.

Racists are just a part of the gaslight group of alternative facts folks who would rather walk around angry cause "Obama Anything" and the email lady, or the fact that Dirty Donnie got Double Impeached.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Jamie Dimon is a favorite of Maria Bartiromo.
She's always touting him and his they almost always support her anti DEMs approach.

In the end Jamie is right half the time and wrong half the time when it comes to his justifications and rationalizations about economics. Many of his predictions have been way wrong. Matter of fact he is one of the guys that predicted a recession prior and is still ringing that Bell. Albeit now he's saying it might not be as bad as he once thought.

In the end Jamie Dimon is just a fucking douchebag rich guy, who's batting average is less than average. I mean the guy is still saying Dems are calling the maga crowd deplorable - haven't seen that on any news except conservative news - which tells you where he's tuning in. Fresh new information from the alternative facts channel Originally Posted by eyecu2

what does Dimon being a "fav" of Bartiromo have to do with his comments? nothing,

i'll call you out to prove Dimon is only right "half the time" good luck with that.

and everyone was predicting a recession and they still might be right

how typical to attack the source and the content. you do know that Dimon's comments where on .. wait for it ... CNBC? yep.

townhall merely reported on what he said ... while appearing on CNBC

disappointed in you eye, i didn't figure you to fall for the bait but .. you did

you might want to know something about Dimon before you make false assumptions ..

Political endeavors

Dimon donates primarily to the Democratic Party.[37] In May 2012, he described himself as "barely a Democrat"[38] stating,
I've gotten disturbed at some of the Democrats' anti-business behavior, the attacks on work ethic and successful people. I think it's very counterproductive. ... It doesn't mean I don't have their values. I want jobs. I want a more equitable society. I don't mind paying higher taxes. ... I do think we're our brother's keeper but I think that attacking that which creates all things, is not the right way to go about it.[38]

Dimon has had close ties to some people in the Obama White House, including former Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.[41] Dimon was one of three CEOs—along with Goldman Sachs Chairman Lloyd Blankfein and Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit—said by the Associated Press to have had liberal access to former Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.[42][43] Nonetheless, Dimon has often publicly disagreed with some of Obama's policies.[44]

still wanna claim Dimon is a "Trump shill"?

lustylad's Avatar
Jamie Dimon is a favorite of Maria Bartiromo.

So what? She used to be a financial anchor on CNBC. So naturally she has connections to most of the Wall Street heavyweights.

She's always touting him and his they almost always support her anti DEMs approach.

Wtf is an "anti-DEM" prediction? Don't be silly. Jamie Dimon relies on his experienced staff of economists at J.P. Morgan Chase to tell him where the economy appears to be heading. They get paid to be right, not to be partisan.

In the end Jamie is right half the time and wrong half the time when it comes to his justifications and rationalizations about economics. Many of his predictions have been way wrong.

Huh? So you've been monitoring his forecasts? Really? How long have you been keeping score? Please show us your data to prove you're not just making things up.

Matter of fact he is one of the guys that predicted a recession prior and is still ringing that Bell. Albeit now he's saying it might not be as bad as he once thought.

Except a recession actually DID occur in the first half of 2022. We had 2 consecutive quarters of negative real GDP growth, did you happen to miss that?

In the end Jamie Dimon is just a fucking douchebag rich guy, who's batting average is less than average.

Ahh, now you're showing your true colors... You resent anyone who is wealthier or more successful than you are, right eye? (Except maybe the ones who hate trump as much as you do, they're ok.)

I mean the guy is still saying Dems are calling the maga crowd deplorable - haven't seen that on any news except conservative news...

Is there any real difference between smearing everyone who disagrees with you as "extreme MAGA" or "deplorable"?

Dimon's point is twofold: 1) the Dems are on the wrong side of nearly every issue that is salient to voters in 2024, and 2) it's not a smart political strategy to insult a big chunk of the electorate all the time. But hey, go ahead and ignore him at your own risk.
Originally Posted by eyecu2

what does Dimon being a "fav" of Bartiromo have to do with his comments? nothing,

i'll call you out to prove Dimon is only right "half the time" good luck with that.

I'd like to hear him do that also.

and everyone was predicting a recession and they still might be right

See my comment above - technically, there WAS a recession in 1H of 2022.

how typical to attack the source and the content. you do know that Dimon's comments where on... wait for it... CNBC? yep.

This is eye's modus operandi. Whenever he is losing the argument to someone he knows is smarter than he is (e.g. Kevin O'Leary or Jamie Dimon) he resorts to ad hominem attacks.

townhall merely reported on what he said ... while appearing on CNBC

disappointed in you eye, i didn't figure you to fall for the bait but... you did

He fell hard, didn't he?

you might want to know something about Dimon before you make false assumptions...

Political endeavors

Dimon donates primarily to the Democratic Party.[37] In May 2012, he described himself as "barely a Democrat"[38] stating,
I've gotten disturbed at some of the Democrats' anti-business behavior, the attacks on work ethic and successful people. I think it's very counterproductive... It doesn't mean I don't have their values. I want jobs. I want a more equitable society. I don't mind paying higher taxes... I do think we're our brother's keeper but I think that attacking that which creates all things, is not the right way to go about it.[38]

Dimon has had close ties to some people in the Obama White House, including former Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.[41] Dimon was one of three CEOs—along with Goldman Sachs Chairman Lloyd Blankfein and Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit—said by the Associated Press to have had liberal access to former Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.[42][43] Nonetheless, Dimon has often publicly disagreed with some of Obama's policies.[44]

still wanna claim Dimon is a "Trump shill"?
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Thanks, Waco.

The Dems have been alienating people like Jamie Dimon and me for years now. He hit the nail on the head when he scolded them for their "anti-business behavior". It started under Obama - remember his silly "you didn't build that" line?

The Democratic party has been hijacked by far-left wingnuts who are so irrational they will blame inflation on greedy corporate price-gouging rather than on their own government's obvious fiscal & monetary malpractice.
Thanks, Waco.

The Dems have been alienating people like Jamie Dimon and me for years now. He hit the nail on the head when he scolded them for their "anti-business behavior". It started under Obama - remember his silly "you didn't build that" line?

The Democratic party has been hijacked by far-left wingnuts who are so irrational they will blame inflation on greedy corporate price-gouging rather than on their own government's obvious fiscal & monetary malpractice. Originally Posted by lustylad
You're right. Every government on earth got together and decided to engage in "obvious fiscal & monetary malpractice" right around the same time in 2021-22.

That's what it was. There wasn't anything else important or interesting happening at that time. Everybody just decided to shake things up.
lustylad's Avatar
You're right. Every government on earth got together and decided to engage in "obvious fiscal & monetary malpractice" right around the same time in 2021-22.

That's what it was. There wasn't anything else important or interesting happening at that time. Everybody just decided to shake things up. Originally Posted by tommy156
Already asked and answered, tommy.

Not just once. Not just twice. But three times!

Now please stop trying to hijack the thread by bringing up the same pathetic "argument" that has already been shot down 3 times:

This thread is about Jamie Dimon's admonitions to Dems like you. Do you agree or disagree with him, and why?

P.S. Jamie has a Harvard MBA. What was your degree in again?