Wondering why

travelling_man's Avatar
Why? Because even though it's all you do, it's not all that you CAN do. You choose to place limits on your services and since it is a choice you can also make a choice NOT to put limits. It's not as if you have your jaw wired shut and you are physically incapable of doing L2. So given that you have made that choice, you can also make a choice to do something different. Your clients hope that when the day comes that you choose to expand your services that you choose to do it with them.
pyramider's Avatar
Just stay with your rules of engagement. As far as upgrades do you have attachments that we are not familiar with?
OldGrump's Avatar

They're asking because they are enjoying what you are doing and want more. Many therapists offer L1 & L2 without advertising it because of licensing issues. Just politely tell them you don't offer more and leave it at that.