Why I support The Minimum Wage Increase

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
The increase in the minimum wage to something useful like 15 dollars per hour will result in widespread unemployment, millions more on government handouts, and no more excuses for assholes to hire illegal immigrants to do jobs that authorized workers should do. Those who work will be paid well, those who hire illegals at below minimum wage will get fucked up by the Department of labor, illegals will self deport, and we will pay the bills with printed money, anyway.
So, why do I want something that will cause such destruction to happen?
Because the liberals own it and will be discredited by it. They claim it is a good thing to raise the minimum wage, so when they fuck everything up, we can get rid of their sorry asses, hopefully for good! Anytime they propose similar shit they will have to explain again why they approved the minimum wage increase. FUCK THEM!!
To mitigate the disaster, I propose a three year implementation period so smart people can prepare for the disaster and survive it.
So you're rooting for this country to fail just because it comes from the "wrong" side?

Wow! I thought people like you only existed on TV because they're attention whores.

I don't care who comes up with an idea as long as it works.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I'm willing to lose a battle to win the war. The country is not going to fail because of a minimum wage increase, but it will make things worse and demonstrate the stupidity of liberalism, enabling a path to destroy liberalism before it completely fucks up the country.
Don't hold your breath. Liberalsm is not going anywhere. If it fails then they will be hurt in the polls and number of elected seats for a littlbe bit. Both parties have their ups and downs. You can't say the Bush years did anything great for Republicans short term.
It's amusing to see demagogic politicians get all exercised about what they claim to be a desperate need to alleviate poverty by dramatically increasing the statutory minimum wage. The most it could conceivably do is transfer wealth from one group of low-income people to another. Of course, this is all about politics, not economics.

Politicians who oppose increasing the minimum wage to a level sufficient to keep up with CPI indexes are standing on soft ground and will be characterized as insensitive to the poor. But others seek to spike the level well beyond that. For instance, some advocates want a hike to $15 per hour.

A large enough increase in the minimum wage would accelerate the development of stuff like this:

I find it funny that I've always said that I want a country with a large middle class. Still do.

But, I would jump at the first chance to go live on the beach in a central american country with huge gaps in equality.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 02-28-2014, 12:57 PM

year 1968

min wage amount $1.60

enter amounts

JL: Like your posts. All of Obama's policies are a disaster and while polls say most Americans disapprove, they would still vote for him.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 02-28-2014, 01:08 PM
well there you have it ... theres more than one idiot in Houston
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
JL: Like your posts. All of Obama's policies are a disaster and while polls say most Americans disapprove, they would still vote for him. Originally Posted by Zhivago52
Thanks Doctor Z - I have to say I like the gal in your avatar, too.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I find it funny that I've always said that I want a country with a large middle class. Still do.

But, I would jump at the first chance to go live on the beach in a central american country with huge gaps in equality. Originally Posted by hungryhippo
No doubt enjoying 50 dollar hookers and 10 dollar a day maidservants?
No doubt enjoying 50 dollar hookers and 10 dollar a day maidservants? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Yes Sir!
Why raise the minimum wage people can make more money on welfare. It would let them make more money than welfare. Damn Liberals.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Has anyone noticed the prices of meat (no, not that kind of meat EVA). Last month I could buy ground beef for $3.26 a pound on sale. Yesterday, the price was $4.99 a pound on sale.

but we're talking about the minimum wage and even some democrats are running away from it.

Everything has increased in price meathead.