I think I will just ....

I think I will just sit down with a big bowl of - Cap'n Crunch-cereal...complete with cold white milk....and eat it and think about life... ha ha...in my recliner . Is this what guys do ???? Ha ha ha . I'm silly . (& tired).. lol . Love....Naughty.
knotty man's Avatar
i usually just sit back in my recliner with a big bag of cheetoes and a porno, and wonder why my dick is turning orange
Knotty man , I was thinking the same thing! Lol
You 2 are hysterical!!! Lol. . Why didn't I predict that Knotty would say something hysterical and funny..right off the bat! ???!!!! Ha. Knotty I don't know if I want to see your cheese/or..cheeto- flavored dick or not !!! Lol . ( Yeah. I wanna see it . I love comedy) . LMAO.. . . .
knotty man's Avatar
you wanna see my dick?
so do i. i aint seen that thing in 50lbs.
CaptainMastPole's Avatar
Well I thought about you guys tonight as I was eating weird food again. . Lol. . Tonight ...The thing I wanted.... to help me calm me down was peanut butter and jelly sandwich ...( 10 seconds In the microwave ) and a tall glass of cold white milk .... yes i know it's super weird ...but the milk calms me down or relaxes me . Ha . And Knotty thanks to you . I can't eat cheetos...anymore... cause I'm thinking of you in your recliner . And your cheesy. ..ummm..fingers . Ha ha !!! Butthead!!
knotty man's Avatar
dont let Scarlett start talkin about me and peanut butter
its all lies Lies LIES, i tell ya !!!!
Guest062716's Avatar
Guest062716's Avatar
Guest062716's Avatar
And just how dogs like to eat peanut butter........you would be surprised how far that tongue can reach......
hardroad63's Avatar
Wow... That's just awful Sarge....hehe
OK !!!! OK !!! Ok!! I give up !!!! Old Sarge has me beat on food stuff! Or food comedy !! So funny- I could fall over laughing !!! Oh Terrible - Sarge !!!
DallasRain's Avatar
omfg--I am NEVER eating cheetos again!

{I was actually sitting here eating a bowl of froot loops dry mixed with cheetos!}