Thank You Providers

levibob56's Avatar
This is a post to say Thank You to the Provides here at ECCIE in Austin.
I’m basically a newbie here, although 1 year in the Hobby is almost up..
Asian Sally was my first Lady here on 8-13-09 and I will never forget her ever!
I have met some of Austins finest woman. I’ve become friend with quit a few
of the ladies here. Some of them are better friends then my civie friends and neighbors.
You know who you are! To the ladies I have not had the pleasure of your company,
It’s not been a year yet and I’m going as fast as I can .LOL. There will be some of you that are not my cup of tea, but you are someone ATF maybe just not mine. All the ladies I’ve met have something unique about them, that is special to me. There are some Provide that are know longer here and you are missed. Thank you too!

There is a lot of mud flying around here, and I for one do not like it. This is my first thread here on eccie, but I just wanted to go on record too say I like this Hobby, the Provides, and the fun times I have had here. It’s like some people have to tear down other people to be king of the hill. I don’t get it. Yes I understand in the name of making it better and all that. I don’t want to start a war; there is enough of that going on around the world. I’ve said too much already I’m sure.

Again THANK YOU wonderful women of ECCIE and to my Hobby friends out there.
Be safe, hobby as often as you can, and play nice.
Love is a four letter word
And I love the life of the hobby
Levi, that was very sweet and is very much appreciated.
You sound like a great guy!

Have fun!
The dudes name is levi, of course he is a cool cat! U owe me a dutch lunch mr. Levi.

Congrats on almost one year! Yes i remember my hobby first, Beverly. She was wonderful! You'll never forget your first. That was three years ago and she's long time retired.

So as one smart provider told me. "Enjoy every second, minute and hour now! we don't know what the future will bring "

Enjoy the fantasy and make sure to keep it that way! But as another provider told me "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer!".

I consider myself a nice guy who enjoys the hobby as you do. I believe i have made allot of friends and probably some enemies as well.

But i have made some mistakes along the way and you will too. So keep keeping it real and you'll do fine.

Also, realize that nice guys usually finish last! i have found that out the hard way.

Thank you ladies of Austin and several from Dallas! it's been a fun ride!

Whispers's Avatar
Also, realize that nice guys usually finish last! i have found that out the hard way.
Originally Posted by CupOfJava
No matter how you meant that (as in sexually ... letting the lady finish first... or as in personality contests on SHMBs).... I tend to agree....

Ya don't meet too many on line "assholes" that get taken advantage of or have bad times with their hobby......
Levi and cup of java can speak their own mind, but just because they are nice doesn't mean they will put up with any shit from a provider eithier. My 2 cents.
levibob56's Avatar
Thanks Casey Taylor you are sweet!
NO Britney not dutch, I'm buying, you got to let me be the nice guy you know!
CupOfJava Thank you for the nice commits. I didn't mind finishing last as long as a provider is setting on my face.
Whispers, I like letting the lady finish first, every time.AMEN!
ThrillBill88's Avatar
Lunch? I'll buy.
Thank you Levi and all the great guys, I have had the pleasure of meeting!
Lunch? I'll buy. Originally Posted by ThrillBill88
All of us? That could be interesting.
Free lunch?.......With a nice guy? This is could be really really good, or really really bad! lol j/k

leviBob I enjoy reading your posts. Particularly this one!
That was sooo incredibly sweet and thoughtful. I hope you continue to enjoy every second of your hobby experience here on Eccie and elsewhere. Your simple post totally made my night! I wish I could properly articulate how much running across guys like you is truly appreciated...I can only speak for myself but I want you to know what a nice change such a positive post was!

This is a post to say Thank You to the Provides here at ECCIE in Austin.
I’m basically a newbie here, although 1 year in the Hobby is almost up..
Asian Sally was my first Lady here on 8-13-09 and I will never forget her ever!
I have met some of Austins finest woman. I’ve become friend with quit a few
of the ladies here. Some of them are better friends then my civie friends and neighbors.
You know who you are! To the ladies I have not had the pleasure of your company,
It’s not been a year yet and I’m going as fast as I can .LOL. There will be some of you that are not my cup of tea, but you are someone ATF maybe just not mine. All the ladies I’ve met have something unique about them, that is special to me. There are some Provide that are know longer here and you are missed. Thank you too!

There is a lot of mud flying around here, and I for one do not like it. This is my first thread here on eccie, but I just wanted to go on record too say I like this Hobby, the Provides, and the fun times I have had here. It’s like some people have to tear down other people to be king of the hill. I don’t get it. Yes I understand in the name of making it better and all that. I don’t want to start a war; there is enough of that going on around the world. I’ve said too much already I’m sure.

Again THANK YOU wonderful women of ECCIE and to my Hobby friends out there.
Be safe, hobby as often as you can, and play nice.
Love is a four letter word
And I love the life of the hobby
Levi Originally Posted by levibob56
greymouse's Avatar

Thanks for posting this. It is clear even from a distance that you are a good guy and we need as many good guys active in the community as possible, to offset the sad, strange people who prefer negativity. I too am grateful to the ladies I have seen and hope to see again and grateful for all the others who are out there looking good. I hope time and money will permit me to see many others in addition to the friends I have made.

We are all pretty fortunate, on both sides of the transaction, to live in a city blessed by so many attractive, talented and sweet ladies, not so hard hit by the great recession as many other places and with an attitude of benign neglect toward what consenting adults do in private.
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Thanks Levi for posting this! Made me smile. Nice to here from the un-jaded ones every now and then. Hope your hobby experiences continue to be memorable and exciting.
We love you Levi! Thanks for always being such a great guy. This little world of ours would not be the same without you!