Search and private tags

Sensual Sophia's Avatar
So, being the vain young lady that I am, I occassionally search the provider review section for my name to see if I have any new reviews.

Often the search turns up reviews of other providers and I go through all the pages of comments and can't find my name anywhere.

Does this mean my name has been mentioned in private tags?

And if so, why am I being mentioned in reviews of other providers? Not mad at all. Just perplexed.

I don't expect an answer.. Just a very curious phenomenon. Has this happened to anyone else?

Also, with my reviews I can get a sense of whether the comments are positive or negative but with these hidden comments in reviews about other people, I just don't know what on earth they could be talking about. Kinda strange.
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 07-13-2010, 09:54 AM
Could just be the word sensual, if you're not careful.
Elephant's Avatar
Just purchase Premium Access like all the other gals...
Cityjazz's Avatar
One of the frustrating things about ECCIE is that provider reviews are not aggregated (al a TER). I guess that requires more software upgrades. I'm not sure if I'm the only one who feels this way... I gather many of the Austin board members are happy with things as is.
a lot of times guys will use a comparison to other gals in the reviews. For example someone might say "she reminds me of" or "her booty is like". Nothing sinister. Just generally comparisons. Someone of your stature only generates positives and really there aren't negatives, just comparisons.
PocketRocket(s)'s Avatar
Another thing that might be happening is that another hobbiest might have suggested seeing you in a reply to the original review. That would cause a hit in your search. If you can't see your name, that just means the suggestion was made behind private tags.

greymouse's Avatar
The Search function here is a bit "sensitive" or maybe "cranky" is a better descriptive term. I just did several trial searches on Sensual Sophia, "Sensual Sophia" with quotation marks, "Sensual Sophia" with Austin Independent Reviews selected as the search target and just plain Sophia targeted on the same "forum". The last one worked the best by far. Evidently the quotation marks have no effect. Search still returns every mention of "sensual" even in apparent absence of "sophia" anywhere in the post or thread. It does highlight every "sophia" in red and the only ones I found in in fourth search where in open comments.

BTW, one of those was a three page thread on Ella from March that unexpectedly provided some insightful background on recent "personnel" actions. That is the upside of not getting exactly what you want in search: the serendipitous discovery of something you didn't realize you wanted to know.
Yes, the lack of a basic search function to find reviews on an individual provider is the one thing on the site, technically, that drives me a bit crazy.
derek303's Avatar
I can tell you honey, you are by far one of the most complemted girls here. I've never read anything negative and only gushing complemets when someone talks about you. It usually happens something like this- some guy from out of town writes us guys in Austin that he's coming to town. And asks who should he see? I remember another thread someone asking who's the best kisser? You popped up on that one as well.
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Thanks guys! I only search for "Sophia" since I know sensual pops up a ton. So it's comparisons. Cool.

And yeah, I agree that a review aggregator would sure be nice.
yep a review aggregator is the great thing about TER.
dookiexp's Avatar
Being in web design and understanding quite a bit about PHP and SQl databases i would guess for aggregation to happen they would need to update the review submission process and have a drop down option for what provider you saw rather than a free text fields and whoever you choose would distinguish who your reviewed and allow for aggregation.

The other way would be to have a review this provider link that has a unique id that is related to that provider and that would then send you to the submission form. From there you could enter the review but the providers Unique ID would be stored with the review and then you could aggregate reviews based on that.

Its certainly technically possible it would just require an overhaul of the review submission process and some clever logic built out based on provider data.