BIDEN NOT RUNNING.......watching live right now

He's out. He says he will work to carry on the Obama Legacy.

In his short speech, he sounded more like someone who is running than someone who is not. He reinterated again that he did not consider The Republicans the enemy, as Hillary said in the debate.
lustylad's Avatar
Betcha he has a job waiting for him at the Clinton Foundation in Jan. 2017.

Guess he thinks the country needs "Clinton values".

Betcha he has a job waiting for him at the Clinton Foundation in Jan. 2017.

Guess he thinks the country needs "Clinton values". :vomit: Originally Posted by lustylad
Thats a good place for him, cutting the grass, lol.

Betcha he has a job waiting for him at the Clinton Foundation in Jan. 2017.

Guess he thinks the country needs "Clinton values".

. Originally Posted by lustylad
So Joe the groper can run around with Slick Willy the convicted sexual predator. And not a word of condemnation for anything either of them do to women from the feminists. " Now warming up in the odummer ' protect MY legacy bull pen ' , double zero, Lieawatha Fauxcahontis Warren ! " Another master of the "screw ball " on the dumbascraps "deep" bench !
Thats a good place for him, cutting the grass, lol.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Is hat a step up from polishing The President's boots.?
WTF's Avatar
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  • 10-21-2015, 11:41 AM
Biden was only going to run if Clinton got caught up in this Benfuckingazi crap. That is obviously behind her.
Too bad. The Dem debates, and the entire Dem primary campaign, would have been a lot more interesting to watch if Biden had weighed in.....and, he would have been a lot less divisive figure than HRC is going to be as POTUS, if elected.
lustylad's Avatar
For once I agree with timmy - the Hildabeast is way too divisive to be POTUS.
Sadly this means that no matter who wins the GOP nomination, I will hold my nose and vote for them. There is absolutely, positively, no way I will ever support Hillary for President.
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  • 10-21-2015, 04:38 PM
Sadly this means that no matter who wins the GOP nomination, I will hold my nose and vote for them. There is absolutely, positively, no way I will ever support Hillary for President. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh

I ain't voting for that bitch either ...
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I don't care if he runs or retires.

He is and always will be.......a BOZO!
For once I agree with timmy - the Hildabeast is way too divisive to be POTUS.
. Originally Posted by lustylad
Biden just handed the presidency to her. And you have Gowdy and his band of fucking morons to thank. They tried and tried to hang Benghazi around her neck for 3 years and it didn't stick. They wasted taxpayer money and came up with nothing. She will beat any of the republican idiots you've got stuffed in that goddamn clown car.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 10-21-2015, 05:14 PM
Biden just handed the presidency to her. And you have Gowdy and his band of fucking morons to thank. They tried and tried to hang Benghazi around her neck for 3 years and it didn't stick. They wasted taxpayer money and came up with nothing. She will beat any of the republican idiots you've got stuffed in that goddamn clown car. Originally Posted by WombRaider
This be true too...
Biden just handed the presidency to her. And you have Gowdy and his band of fucking morons to thank. They tried and tried to hang Benghazi around her neck for 3 years and it didn't stick. They wasted taxpayer money and came up with nothing. She will beat any of the republican idiots you've got stuffed in that goddamn clown car. Originally Posted by WombRaider
So NOW YOU'RE sucking up for HER ? YOU previously said that YOU were "backing Bernie" , the Socialist ! Looks like all those head shots off the stall walls have REALLY affected your memory woomby ! It figures a EUNUCH with a YELLOW streak down his fat back would flip-flop when it became convenient . At least the OTHERS who've said that they back a candidate have the COURAGE of THEIR convictions, ya friggen yellow-backed EUNUCH loser ! Hell , even Lil Cotex stuck his neck out, AND STAYED WITH HIS CHOICE, Jim Webb, even after Webb announced that he couldn't run as a dumbascrap the way that the "party" is now.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I have mixed feelings. Biden entering the race would help Bernie Sanders, who I'm supporting. But I recognize that HRC is likely to be my party's nominee. And while I personally like Joe Biden (and no, that is really a figure of speech, I don' know him, but I have met him four or five times), I'm not sure that he would be a better President on domestic matters than would HRC. I do, however, trust his judgment more on foreign policy than I do hers. He is much less a hawk than she is. I'd be delighted to work for either one, or for Bernie, who I think is a breath of fresh air in the increasingly centrist Democratic Party.

But I think in the end, he correctly analyzed the situation. I have heard through the political grapevine that he is still deeply grieving from the premature death of his son Beau (the second child that he has buried, BTW). And while it is terribly unfair that that period of grief has taken away his last opportunity to run for President, time waits for no man. It's just the way it is. But he is a very decent and caring man. He deeply loves this country and wants the best for it. I hope he continues to be active in our country's public life well past the end of Obama's presidency.

One of his unique gifts was the ability to get along with almost anybody. He loves people. And back before the two parties became so polarized (and you can guess who I think is responsible for the vast majority of it), he was one Senator who could be counted on to make the rounds and see if there was some common ground somewhere that might form the basis for a deal that might not solve the entire problem, but would at least help. He really had a knack for compromise and horse trading. At least in my view -- which may have some partisan bias -- the modern Republican Party equates compromise with treason. LBJ's favorite verse from Proverbs, "Come, let us reason together," fall on completely deaf ears on that side of the aisle these days. But Sen. Biden never took disagreement personally, and could always disagree without being disagreeable. And ALWAYS kept his eye out for common ground. Those qualities are much needed on both sides of the aisle today.