Just a little respect, just a little bit

I hesitated for hours on whether or not to post this thread. I will probably be criticized and ridiculed. But at this point, I will take it if it means some change will be made around here. The inner-bitch in me has come out. Especially after all the drama I already had to ensue this past week.

There is a lot of talk going around about how some prominent board members are taking advantage of new girls or the naive ones. True or not, how disgusting! You know the difference between right and wrong. You know that you are potentially putting us ALL at risk by asking for, demanding, or blackmailing for BBFS. Just because you are behind a computer screen and there are no major consequences to your behavior other than banning from the site, doesn't mean you should get away with your actions. Let me just say to any man who has ever knowingly commited an eccie crime that you are a disgrace to this community and you are creating the downfall of an amazing, helpful, one of a kind website. If you want BBFS, find yourself a real girlfriend. Eccie is NOT the place for it and you should not be allowed here.

Additionally, the rumors I've heard of the things some of you "gentlemen" calling us providers is absolutely repulsive. As Kaci Snow once stated,

"You are defined by who you are, not what you do for a living."

This couldn't ring more true. We do not have mental issues. We are not cheap whores. We are not scam artists. We are not put on this earth to take your abuse. We are not low lives or a disgrace to this society. And it's funny you call us these things, because you are the reason we have this industry.

We are daughters. We are sisters. Some are mothers. Some are grandmothers. But most importantly, we are humans, too. Would you want a man disrespecting your little sister? Your mom?

We are not doing this to support a drug habit. In fact, the majority of us are doing it to pay for school, raise our kids as single mothers, or pay the bills. A lot of us have bachelors and masters degrees which is more than some men around here. So who are you to judge us? We have high enough sex drives to enjoy our job and we provide a service just like a mechanic provides a service for your car. At no point should we be treated less than human or coerced into doing things we don't want to do for the FEAR that you might write a bad review or worse publically or privately slander us on the board where we generate our business.

Let's respect eachother. Let's treat eachother how we'd like to be treated. Some of the BEST sessions I've had are when my clients are kind, respectful and knew the boundries. If I feel comfortable and not worried that this client might try to cross the line, the session will flow much more smoothly and my passion will be completely unleashed.

It all boils down to the Golden Rule we learned in kindgergarten.

On a positive note,
Thank you to the already true gentlemen of this board. I love spending time with you!
Thank you to the ladies like Brooke who stood up for what they believed in despite the fear of the repercussions.

mikahranae's Avatar
Great post Jamie and thank you for posting it! I really didn't know there was an issue w/BBFS requests until recently. It repulses me that men don't think about the severity of this issue. Is getting your dick wet really worth your life? Excuse me for my bluntness in that last sentence. I know this is not an issue with all the hobbyists on this site, but it is an issue. To the providers that don't have a problem with offering this service: Please take a second and really think about what you are doing. There are several diseases that are incurable and also some that can take your life. I have heard that some guys offer more money for this, but that extra $100 or whatever is not worth your life! Please guys and gals, let's hobby safely.
daltxm4f's Avatar
JamieYoung and mikahranae could not agree with you more. Cheers to you for your courage and strength and to the others who treat people with respect and courtesy and only want the same in return.
Grown ass women can only allow stuff to happen to them that they choose.. if they are being threatened with bbfs or any other thing..they refuse.. they end the date..whatever.. I mean if these guys opinions of you matter that much that you want respect from them.. then something is seriously wrong.. they should respect the business side of stuff.. but as a person they shouldn't know any of us that well.. I'm not "DeAnna Luv".. only for work.. if they wanna talk bad, call names, ridicule..think low of me.. so be it.. ya we are someones sister, mother, daughter etc... but most of our families no nothing of what we do.. oh i know..its privacy..but its also because those same loved ones we rely on to say we deserve respect are the same ones we know would judge us first and we know we are doing wrong and would disappoint them with our chosen paths.. not all..but many..

so yes.. most guys if their sister was selling pussy they would face harsh words.. their daughters..probably so.. because no matter what.. women here are willing to engage in p4p with men they normally wouldn't.. there isn't much "dignity" in that.. and its not socially acceptable... Should we put up with it? perhaps not.. there is a way to say everything.. fortunately except for reviews of MY SERVICES..their personal opinions about me, my life etc do not effect me, since their opinions mean nothing to me..

a persons opinion of you can only matter if you actually gave a damn what they thought.. i don't..so it doesn't
I think Jamie said it all, however I wanted to sign on and show I agree. I also cant help but add the fact these men are the first to scream. "SHE HAS A PIMP OR MANAGER." But what do they think they are? Forcing young women to do things they otherwise wouldnt. Yeah Buddy thats pimpin 101 to me. I personally would never do BBFS but each his own..
Hobbyfun's Avatar
Give them hell Jamie and the rest of you, what most of these men do not understand is that most of the girls here would not give most of us the time of day were either OLD, FAT, BALD,DRESS BAD, UGLY,MARRIED, are a number of other reasons, It seems to me like some of the men here are mad at the lady's because we do have to pay for sex with them, if that's the case GET OVER IT. If not go home and jack off for free, beg your wife are go to a bar for weeks on end and try and pick up some girl.

Do you realize these girls are here working it is a job that is how they provide for themselves are family.
I understand if you see a provider and are not satisfied then write a review and tell your side of the story otherwise STFU.
Most of my session have been good to great I have had a few bad one's years ago said my pc then moved on and did not go back but stop betting a dead horse.

What some of you guys don't understand is if your not happy Don't go back.
Asking for bareback is like going to your wife and saying I want to fuck the women at the grocery store it's not going to happen all it's going to do is piss somebody off so why ask in the first place and to try and blackmail you are lower than snake shit and need you dumb-ass whipped.

To all you fine ladies here Thank You for putting up with all of us and the A**holes that come with it.

Great post. Amen to all you've said. Regardless of what we all do for a living, or the choices we make by participating in the hobby, there is no excuse for disrespecting another human being...EVER. Being respected isn't a luxury, it's a right. Turning away anyone who treats us otherwise is the only way to send that message.

Most importantly, respect begins within...a strong individual sense of self respect will carry one through difficult times.

Treating folks kindly, and with respect makes life a pleasant journey rather than a treacherous voyage!

oldmarine's Avatar
Treating others with respect is something you should do until they prove to you that they are not deserving of it. It is called manners. Its really easy to sling mud from the safety of a computer in your home and we need to be vigilant and resist the temptation.
gashpump's Avatar
I hesitated for hours on whether or not to post this thread. I will probably be criticized and ridiculed. But at this point, I will take it if it means some change will be made around here. The inner-bitch in me has come out. Especially after all the drama I already had to ensue this past week.

There is a lot of talk going around about how some prominent board members are taking advantage of new girls or the naive ones. True or not, how disgusting! You know the difference between right and wrong. You know that you are potentially putting us ALL at risk by asking for, demanding, or blackmailing for BBFS. Just because you are behind a computer screen and there are no major consequences to your behavior other than banning from the site, doesn't mean you should get away with your actions. Let me just say to any man who has ever knowingly commited an eccie crime that you are a disgrace to this community and you are creating the downfall of an amazing, helpful, one of a kind website. If you want BBFS, find yourself a real girlfriend. Eccie is NOT the place for it and you should not be allowed here.

Additionally, the rumors I've heard of the things some of you "gentlemen" calling us providers is absolutely repulsive. As Kaci Snow once stated,

"You are defined by who you are, not what you do for a living."

This couldn't ring more true. We do not have mental issues. We are not cheap whores. We are not scam artists. We are not put on this earth to take your abuse. We are not low lives or a disgrace to this society. And it's funny you call us these things, because you are the reason we have this industry.

We are daughters. We are sisters. Some are mothers. Some are grandmothers. But most importantly, we are humans, too. Would you want a man disrespecting your little sister? Your mom?

We are not doing this to support a drug habit. In fact, the majority of us are doing it to pay for school, raise our kids as single mothers, or pay the bills. A lot of us have bachelors and masters degrees which is more than some men around here. So who are you to judge us? We have high enough sex drives to enjoy our job and we provide a service just like a mechanic provides a service for your car. At no point should we be treated less than human or coerced into doing things we don't want to do for the FEAR that you might write a bad review or worse publically or privately slander us on the board where we generate our business.

Let's respect eachother. Let's treat eachother how we'd like to be treated. Some of the BEST sessions I've had are when my clients are kind, respectful and knew the boundries. If I feel comfortable and not worried that this client might try to cross the line, the session will flow much more smoothly and my passion will be completely unleashed.

It all boils down to the Golden Rule we learned in kindgergarten.

On a positive note,
Thank you to the already true gentlemen of this board. I love spending time with you!
Thank you to the ladies like Brooke who stood up for what they believed in despite the fear of the repercussions.

Jamie Originally Posted by JamieYoung

No criticism here - in fact I applaud your thoughts, as well as your ability to write nearly flawless English. It is refreshing to see some here who obviously actually listened while attending school.

I too had a mother and grandmothers, have a cool sister I still want to protect, and many other loved ones, including males. None of these, or anyone else, deserves any kind of unlawful, unethical or immoral abuse.

Regardless of what this website's management decides to do about the current allegations against those that have caused the uproar, my gut tells me the gig is up. Similar to the groundswell against BP's role in the Gulf, complicit or not, these guys will never be able to live it down.
mikahranae's Avatar
Grown ass women can only allow stuff to happen to them that they choose.. if they are being threatened with bbfs or any other thing..they refuse.. they end the date..whatever.. I mean if these guys opinions of you matter that much that you want respect from them.. then something is seriously wrong.. they should respect the business side of stuff.. but as a person they shouldn't know any of us that well.. I'm not "DeAnna Luv".. only for work.. if they wanna talk bad, call names, ridicule..think low of me.. so be it.. ya we are someones sister, mother, daughter etc... but most of our families no nothing of what we do.. oh i know..its privacy..but its also because those same loved ones we rely on to say we deserve respect are the same ones we know would judge us first and we know we are doing wrong and would disappoint them with our chosen paths.. not all..but many..

so yes.. most guys if their sister was selling pussy they would face harsh words.. their daughters..probably so.. because no matter what.. women here are willing to engage in p4p with men they normally wouldn't.. there isn't much "dignity" in that.. and its not socially acceptable... Should we put up with it? perhaps not.. there is a way to say everything.. fortunately except for reviews of MY SERVICES..their personal opinions about me, my life etc do not effect me, since their opinions mean nothing to me..

a persons opinion of you can only matter if you actually gave a damn what they thought.. i don't..so it doesn't Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv
Jamie thanks for the post and don't let negativity like this stop you from posting in the future. Several of the ladies here are very open with their loved ones about what they do for a living. I have dignity and don't really feel I shouldn't be respected just because I choose to do this for a living. I happen to have respect for most of the members on this board. I like to think I am respected by most as well. There are some newbies that have fallen into the traps of people like FWOG. You may have a strong head on your shoulders but some of the new ladies that are just getting into this business may feel pressured and feel like there is no other way but to give in to these types of men. I think it's great Jamie took action and expressed her opinion.
Thanks Mikah, I have nothing but love for you girl!!!

I didn't even acknowledge that post from deanna luv because I couldn't possibly disagree more with her statements. She is entitled to her own opinion on the subject, but in this case I wish she had kept it to herself.
Lanny's Avatar
  • Lanny
  • 06-03-2010, 07:06 PM
...If you guys hug....May I please be in the middle...???

Seriously, Good Post....regardless of what you do to pay your bills, EVERYONE deserves respect and dignity.

A famous NFL coach (Chuck Knoll), referring to an opposing player who was popping off and criticizing one of his Players once said..."It has been my experience that an EMPTY Barrel usually makes the most NOISE..."

If I were you, Jamie, or any other of the above board gals on here, I would seriously consider the SOURCE of most of the idle chatter that makes its way on here.

Love, Laugh and STAY SAFE.....

pyramider's Avatar
Taking advantage of newbie providers is nothing unusual.

I do not give a flying crap about the SOURCE. Its not my fight. IF a pile looks like shit, smells like shit . . . It might be shit.
Most providers have complicated stories and reasons for doing what they do. The men, however, do not. My perspective is that when I'm alone with the lady, I'm the bad one in the relationship, not her. Okay, maybe she's bad too, but I'm the worse. In other words, as buyers, we are in no position to judge the sellers. We are in no moral position to look down on them and I don't think most of us here do. But then, there are a lot of men that do. When the Pharisees took the lady caught in adultery to Jesus, who did Jesus get after? It wasn't the lady, but the men. I'll get off the pulpit. Anyway, I don't understand how the men can be that way with the ladies because I have the opposite problem. When I'm with them, I love them.
garlandBone's Avatar
Firstly I would like to say that I agree with all of the above posts. You are all absolutely right.

I would like to take a moment to show you the oher side of this coin.

This does not apply to most of the fine ladies on this board, but it is out there.

In my hobbying,,,,
I have been robbed,
I have met providers who had track marks and reeked of weed.
I have met providers who dropped out of high school.
I have met providers who were lesbians and/or hated men (ironic they should make a career out of sexing with men)
I have been laughed at, sworn at, almost beaten up by mgmt.
I have met providers who didn't give a damn about the service they provided or the feelings of the gent involved.
One lady even told me "men are just dildos with wallets", her exact words.
I have met providers who had several kids and weren't 21.
I have lost count of how many times I have paid for an "hour", just to be rushed out the door as soon as the first 'pop' happens.

Sorry about he ranting, I just wanted you to see the other side.

I am very gratefull and delighted about most of the ladies on this board. I know that in the civilian world I wouldn't stand a chance with any of you, and for that I am very appreciative. For one hour, you make me feel loved and on of of the world. It may be an illusion, but I am happy to pay for and experience that illusion. Kudos to all of you.

To the OP, I have the utmost respect for you, and what you do.

I will give a lady all the respect in the world, reciprocation would be nice.

I am NOT a "client/customer/john etc.". I am , like you, a human being with feelings.

Respect is a two way street.

(Whew! I'm through bitching now. Thankyou for your patience)