Brunette Jokes (If you're tired of blonde ya go!)

tia travels's Avatar
(Hey...I don't make 'em up...I just cut & paste.)

Why can't brunettes "tease" their hair?
Because it's not funny.

What do you call picking up a brunette from a bar?
Brown-Bagging it.

What do brunettes look forward to later on in life?
Grey Hair

What's the difference between a light bulb and a brunette?
You can unscrew a light bulb.

If you're not dating a brunette, raise your hand. If you are, raise your standards.

Why did God give Brunettes vaginas?
So men would talk to them.

How does a brunette commit suicide?
She gathers all her overalls into a pile and jumps off.

Why are there no dumb brunettes?

What pickup lines do Brunettes hear the most?
"How now, brown cow?"

Why does Indiana have brunettes and California have earthquakes?
California had first choice.

Why is a brunette like my bed?
They both get turned down every night

Why are brunettes like rocks?
You skip the flat ones.

What is "making love"?
Something a brunette does while a man is fucking her.

Did you hear about the nursery rhyme with Brunettes?
Humpme Dumpme.

Why do brunettes give great head?
They'll swallow anything.

When do brunettes eat lots of beans?
Before they take a bubble bath.

What do you call a brunette who uses birth control?
A Humanitarian.

What is a brunettes favorite deorderant?

Why do brunettes like their hair color?
It hides the dirt.

What's white and found in a brunette's underwear?
Clitty litter.

What do brunettes use for birth control?
Their personalities

Whats the difference between a brunette and a brick?
At least a brick gets laid.

How does a brunette keep her youth?
She gives him lots of money.

How does every Brunette joke begin?
By looking over your shoulder!

What's the difference between brunette pussy and a bowling ball?
You could eat a bowling ball if you had to.

How can two brunettes become invisible in a crowd of three?
When they're with a blonde.

What do brunettes and toilet seats have in common?
Without the hole in the middle, neither one is worth a shit.

Why did the brunette cross the road?
Who cares? Why isn't she in the kitchen fixing dinner?

What did the brunette say when her dog started licking her face?
"Down Boy"

What's the difference between a hockey player and a brunette?
The hockey player showers after three periods.

Why do brunettes take vibrators to the beach?
They like to "Shake & Bake".

Why did the brunette have twelve pairs of panties?
One for each month.

How does a brunette spice up her love life?
She changes the batteries.

Why are brunettes so strong?
They have to support themselves.

Why did god invent alcohol?
So brunettes could get laid, too.

How do brunettes get rid of roaches?
They ask for commitment.

How many brunettes does it take to stop a runaway bus?
Not Enough.

Why are hangovers better than brunettes?
Hangovers go away.

Why did the brunette take a job at the loading dock?
She loved taking deliveries in the rear.

What do you call a brunette with a million dollars?
A Cash Cow.

How do you know your at a brunette wedding?
The bridesmaids are all wearing bowling shirts.

What do you call a 300 pound brunette?

What's the worst advice you can give to a brunette?
Be yourself.

How do you hide money from a brunette?
Put it in the bathtub.

Did you hear about brunette midgets?
They're only half as ugly.

What does a brunette put behind her ears to attract men?
Her kness.

Why are brunettes so proud of their hair?
It matches their mustache.

Did you hear about the hairy brunette?
She went to the zoo and the monkeys started singing "We Are Family".

Why did God create brunettes?
So fat guys would have someone to date.

What does a brunette miss most about a party?
The invitation.

What's the difference between a sumo wrestler and a brunette?
A Sumo wrestler shaves his legs.

How do you piss off your brunette girlfriend during sex?
Call her on her phone.

Brunettes have feelings, too.
But who cares?

Why is a brunette like a laxative?
They both irritate the shit out of you.

Who won the brunette beauty contest?

Why are there no dumb brunette jokes?
Because blondes would have to think them up.

Did you hear about the brunette who was smoking hot?
Her father was a plastic surgeon.

We all have one brunette friend that claims to be a "dirty blonde"

A brunette tells her blonde stepsister, "I slept with a Brazilian...."
The blonde replies, "Oh my God! You slut! How many is a brazilian?"

Brunettes are a lot like anal sex. They are both a pain in the ass.
Lucky LaRue's Avatar
Oh my you are on a paste roll and I am laughing so hard. Love it. ( Why are there no dumb brunette jokes?
Because blondes would have to think them up.)
Sooo... Tia. What did the brunette do to tick you off?
tia travels's Avatar I said, I just cut & paste. I think brunettes are lovely~*
Mistress Santos's Avatar
Did you hear about the nursery rhyme with Brunettes?
Humpme Dumpme.


Hilarious, lol