Is my signature line offensive...

I've had my signature line for years but just recently I've been told by just a few people that they find it offensive with words like prostitute or whore in it. For those that actually know me they know my signature line is all in jest. I'm just a silly wabbit at heart. I actually have real provider friends and have the utmost respect for their profession. You notice I used the word profession as some people don't realize that this is actually a job for a lot of the lades. Wanted to take a poll and get a general idea from the public.


It doesn't bother me, my number #1 fan. Kisses
bluffcityguy's Avatar
I once hung out on a local board in the St. Louis area (long since sadly defunct) which was started by a provider, and the board software automatically replaced "whore" with "nice lady". So yeah, some providers bristle at the word (especially when applied to them).

Sadly "whore" is, like "cunt", used so much as an insult that it automatically turns some off.

In the case of your .sig, though, you're quoting Since you're directly quoting, I'll give you a pass on any offensive connotations of the words quoted. But I'm something of a pedant.


pmdelites's Avatar
if people are taking your signature line too literally and too seriously,

they, in my humble opinion, need to take a chill pill [not a "netflix & chill" pill] and lighten the fuck up!!!!!

there is literal interpretation and their is concept interpretation.
and if they dont know those are different, again, take a chill pill.
Baby I find it totally NON Offensive- in fact I love it when we loose count in our sessions, just thinking about our last session has me throbbing......phew
You have the upmost respect for providers & Thank You for that
Grace Preston's Avatar
Fuck the whores if they can't take a joke!!

Seriously. People in general give entirely too much power to words. Even if you were to call me a whore in anger-- the word has no strength and no power unless I give it.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
It's a WHORE board. If their skin is THAT thin, then they don't have to log on. Poof! Problem solved...

Keep being the you that we luv baby

Luv always,

"Ms. Whore"
Chung Tran's Avatar
while I think it would be more dignified to replace Prostitute with "Harlot", and Whore with "Strumpet", I can gracefully accept your choice of terms.
Lariyah_Cash's Avatar
I don't find it offensive or degrading toward women. That's just my opinion. If it was all in jest it's hard for someone to decipher that or tell the tone in what you said and the way you are attempting to deliver the message. Especially if that person doesn't personally know you or has not met you for a meeting before. Some people are more sensitive to words than others. To me they are just words, I try to not read into things too deeply. You are ok with me
Fuck the whores if they can't take a joke!!

Seriously. People in general give entirely too much power to words. Even if you were to call me a whore in anger-- the word has no strength and no power unless I give it. Originally Posted by GracePreston
The pen is mightier than the sword.
phillyintexas's Avatar
I agree. Though, I do prefer using provider. It seems a little more professional.

I don't find it offensive or degrading toward women. That's just my opinion. If it was all in jest it's hard for someone to decipher that or tell the tone in what you said and the way you are attempting to deliver the message. Especially if that person doesn't personally know you or has not met you for a meeting before. Some people are more sensitive to words than others. To me they are just words, I try to not read into things too deeply. You are ok with me Originally Posted by Lariyah_Cash
SAUrbanAnimal's Avatar
Folks it's a direct quote from "Urban Dictionary"

Deal with it

MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
'Doesn't bother me either way.' has my vote.
You can't call them "cunts" anymore, by the way. They're "Vaginal-Americans."
"Vaginal-Americans." Originally Posted by CoverMe