It's just a tv show, but...

AlbanyBlonde's Avatar
The most honest 3 min in television...
MC's Avatar
  • MC
  • 02-20-2013, 02:27 PM
Sadly, he's right.

I must be psychic. Even before I clicked on the link I knew it would be from this show. Weird.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 02-20-2013, 03:43 PM
I wish more people would see that clip. We have lost our country and I am afraid we will never get it back.

Here is the direct video.

alphonse1948's Avatar
Very true and very sad. When I look at a picture of men lying dead at the WW2 invasion I am sadden
they gave all for what this country has become.
cowboy8055's Avatar
Great video clip. Quite sobering.
AlbanyBlonde's Avatar
It is very sad. I don't know if we will be able to turn things around at this point.
roscoe14850's Avatar
Butally honest......and true.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 02-21-2013, 03:50 AM
I think the problem is that a majority of people in this country are always trying to "change" things "for the better", and the minority think better would be to go back to the way things were.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 02-21-2013, 04:12 AM
Apparently the commentary is lost on most people in here.
were on the highway to hell, but ill just keep on driving towards the sun pop in a cd from time to time roll down the windows and fell the cool breezes of the open road
The most honest 3 min in television... Originally Posted by AlbanyBlonde
1:14:59 Furthur - Sweetwater Music Hall - 01/16/13 - Set Oneby mkespaceRecommended for you This video is far more honest, it was posted as a related video on the youtube page of the jeff daniels video rehashing american mythology that you posted.
I think the problem is that a majority of people in this country are always trying to "change" things "for the better", and the minority think better would be to go back to the way things were. Originally Posted by GP
Are you talking about the reinstatement of slavery? Denying the women the right to vote? reinstatement of 1950's tax rates? Going back to pre-1937 prohibited topic policy? Please be more specific, LOL.
Vern0065's Avatar
were on the highway to hell, but ill just keep on driving towards the sun pop in a cd from time to time roll down the windows and fell the cool breezes of the open road Originally Posted by DomCapers

Thats my type of Attiutude!! But sadly we are heading in the wrong direction in our world!!
Americans are Resilient !
Stay proud, Stand up for what is right, Care about your neighbor - Know your neighbor,
Get involved, and If you don't like it getoff your ass and - Change it !

Pass the video - clip onto a friend
wow...that spoke volumes....thank you for sharing that..