Free Condoms in Rochester H.S.

Starting Monday, high schools in Rochester will be providing free condoms to their students.

"Students are able to get, at maximum, ten condoms per day. However, when asking for so many condoms at once, a student will be questioned by the nurse as to why he or she needs so much."
offshoredrilling's Avatar
pass for now
Are they flavored?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
well now you made me read it. mmmmmm dos not say. If not, they well just have to wait for the Monroe county clinic condom truck that gives them free one now with a serial number on the condom for tracking. They give out flavored ones. mmmmmm says nothing about tracking numbers. I wonder if the school will use the serial numbered ones.

for sure the kiddies where parents said no will have to wait for the truck or buy from the other kids.

I wonder how much Monroe county pays the guy/gal that looks for the condoms where the county hotel inmates are not taken for part of a clean up crew.
They're probably giving out cheap ass defective condoms.
next "Pole Dancing, an Intro 101"... hell, their going to do it anyways..studies have shown that a stable career can keep them pt free,
get them outta that hood and into a stable mid range hotel , provide them some stability and their renewed focus will reward your efforts ten fold
if they just woulda had this foresight years ago , coulda halted that nasty sprawl, bet they wish theyd a stayed now...suckers..their kid coulda been a contender