Do y'all use a VPN?

If so, which VPN do you use? I'm looking to get one myself but I'm worried about the logging, even though they say no logging. But we all know companies lie.
Bushjumper's Avatar
I am curious about VPNs myself
Rodrigos's Avatar
Only when I go to places I don't want my service provider to know.
HotSpot Shield premium
I use a VPN all the time. Doesn't matter what I'm doing, where I'm at, etc. VPN is always enabled.
I use Proton VPN, which is based out of Switzerland, and does not retain logs. Search them out. I've been very, very pleased with them.
Ralph Fults's Avatar
I use a VPN all the time. Doesn't matter what I'm doing, where I'm at, etc. VPN is always enabled.
I use Proton VPN, which is based out of Switzerland, and does not retain logs. Search them out. I've been very, very pleased with them. Originally Posted by BingoPlayer
Proton doesn’t keep logs unless the cops tell them too:

And what was this dude’s hideous crime? He was against gentrification
I have used Private Internet Access (PIA) for years.
I have a Proton mail account but use the VPN by Nord. I think it is the best. Their malware protection is excellent. Be warned, they don't run through Russia anymore. But you can still run through Georgia.
I use one for everything but be aware some sites such as OH2 will block users of VPNs. I solve that by not using their site. Not going to compromise the safety of my system for anyone.
I have a Proton mail account but use the VPN by Nord. I think it is the best. Their malware protection is excellent. Be warned, they don't run through Russia anymore. But you can still run through Georgia. Originally Posted by Cheburashka
I've used Nord VPN for years too.
Non-tech guy here asking.....

If you use a VPN, does it change often? And does this stop a site that may have blocked you because they disagree with your politics from blocking you? Asking for a friend who may or may have not been kicked off an imaginary world of course.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-27-2022, 12:42 PM
I use ipvanish for my streaming and hobby sites

If you're blocked on a site that you're a member of, you're most likely being blocked that way, switching locations with any VPN takes a few seconds, I believe my IP location shows as Indonesia today
When using a VPN, I take it as BLM says, you can turn it on when you want and off when you don't want to use it? Is it an app of some sort?
Non-tech guy here asking.....

If you use a VPN, does it change often? And does this stop a site that may have blocked you because they disagree with your politics from blocking you? Asking for a friend who may or may have not been kicked off an imaginary world of course. Originally Posted by onlyAMPs4menow

With Nord you get to choose the country and the connection. Get blocked? Just come back from Japan. I like Azerbaijan or Georgia. The ads from sites are hilarious.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-28-2022, 01:52 PM
With Nord you get to choose the country and the connection. Get blocked? Just come back from Japan. I like Azerbaijan or Georgia. The ads from sites are hilarious. Originally Posted by Cheburashka
Bozo trick CK just blocks access to everyone coming from a specific IP address, if there was 5.10, 20 guys using the same one, they all got blocked 😂

But yeah, you can be anywhere in the world where they have a server and switch it up in a few seconds, most VPN services do the same thing