Just a quiet dinner in NYC......yah, right!!

As I recouperate from an all-nighter in Manhattan with Naomi, London Rayne, Nina Sastri, WTF and a special guest (smokin' hottie that WTF knows), I want to take the opportunity to share one of the most decedent evenings of my life. Meeting old friends and making new ones. Drinks at the Waldorf, dinner at some phoo-phoo place uptown, a nite cap at a roof top bar on the 20th story of some place on 5th Ave. and then all night hijinks.

Nina you were exsquisite!! Naomi lovely and demure!! London the life of the party. WTF very funny and interesting. (Missed you Valerie!!) Up all night and loved every minute!!

Thanks everybody....it was truly a night to remember.....I just wish I could!!
Naomi4u's Avatar
I'm currently stuck in NYC at an upscale hotel due to a flight cancellation but what an amazing night.

I was so surprised everyone showed up and got along so well. Who would have thought? It was like we were long lost friends and not ONE boring/silent moment. WTF: You frikkin ROCK! I could hang out with you all day/all night. The rumors are true you are very sexy . It was a pleasure to meet you. Nina: Besides being breathtakingly gorgeous, you're a beautiful person inside and out. I could listen to you talk for hours. I am planning another trip to NYC next month and would love to do dinner with you again. Love you! London: You're a beauty. you don't give yourself enough credit. You made the night. It wouldn't have been the same without you there. Get some rest and call me later . Ed: We met twice prior to this get together. You are always a pleasure to be around, always fun to look at, talk to , be with. I am so glad you made it last night. Hopefully we will meet again soon . Last night was truly a night I will never forget... no.. really... I will never forget last night. It was better than watching pay-per-view television. I love you guys!
Oh you guys, I love you!!! You rocked! I had such a blast, and i felt so flattered that you guys were there. ED, it was a pleasure to meet you, i am sure we will meet again, hope you had a good travel home and managed to not fall asleep at work :-), you are special and i liked your openminded energies, you are truly wonderful. WTF: you truly are a lovely heart! And its no surprise the most beautiful women trust and love you!
I liked especially how everyone was so easy going, and who would have guessed how lovely that evening ended with all of us together who have never met each other before. YOU GUYS ROCK! And it is amazing to have you as friends. ) Mainly because we all are so different and non-judgemental and get along so well. And have plenty in common to know how to spend a good time!
Can`t wait to meet you again.
London: you definetely rock!!! You have that "european" charms and down to earth honesty i truly adore! And yes, like Naomi said, you are gorgeous and beautiful.
Naomi, you truly are a Supermodel! And you are so lovely and sweet as well, and openminded and non-judgemental, truly lovely. I am not sure if i can make it to NYC next month, but in a few months i will be there. Next time you guys have to visit me in Vienna!! Definetely!! (((((((((hug))))))))) I adore you and you really touched my hearts!!!! I loved the honesty shared and the intimate moments for the soul and the talks :-)))

We wanted to post a photo of all our shoes to put on eccie, but unfortunately the evening was so eventful, we forgot :-)))) (lol)

What a night to remember!!!!!! <3
Naomi4u's Avatar
Next time you guys have to visit me in Vienna!! Definetely!! (((((((((hug))))))))) I adore you and you really touched my hearts!!!! I loved the honesty shared and the intimate moments for the soul and the talks :-))) Originally Posted by ninasastri
You know what? That is not a bad idea as I have a friend (very good and trustworthy client that lives there now). It would be worth every penny to visit. I hear there aren't many ebony escorts in Vienna . I don't know about the others but I would love to.

We wanted to post a photo of all our shoes to put on eccie, but unfortunately the evening was so eventful, we forgot :-)))) (lol)

What a night to remember!!!!!! <3
We were too caught up in the moment. The night went by so fast. I miss you already!
London Rayne's Avatar
I am so blessed and amazed to have spent time with such a wonderful group of unique and beautiful people. I'm just um...fully waking up and getting to a lucid state and you know what hit me? I'm the only one who didn't get laid last night! Autumn was superb even though Nina and I almost got kicked out the little boys room ha ha! Waldorf was exquisite and I will edit the pics asap. Rooftop bar was so nyc but more quaint and had that "w" hotel vibe. Hmm all you freaks back in my room? Priceless! Wtf I wanted to call you today but Naomi didn't give me your number again Lol! I owe you big boy! I think we should make this a regular thing in a different city! New Orleans is much cheaper ha ha so think about it! Love you all! I have 2 days in ct. And my pc crashed! Thank goodness for blackberry!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-30-2011, 10:02 AM
but I would like to bend them all over my knee except for Ed. I need him to help me spank.

Naomi4u's Avatar
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaatever WTF .
Sounds like a hellva evening. Wish I could have joined you all, never been to NY but one of these days. So no Karaokee bars in NY huh? I'm sure London did make sure she had the pick of songs on the juke box
Sounds like a hellva evening. Wish I could have joined you all, never been to NY but one of these days. So no Karaokee bars in NY huh? I'm sure London did make sure she had the pick of songs on the juke box Originally Posted by rrabbit6926
The last thing we wanted to do was put a microphone anywhere near London - She was on her game all night!! Ask any of the 7 cab drivers we had - I'm sure they all went back to the depot with a story of the crazy blond from "Ne' Orleans bitch!!"
Naomi4u's Avatar
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha ha OMG! I missed all the REAL action . Fuck!
London Rayne's Avatar
Well I tried to blow Wtf in the cab but he was too scared. The driver was the next best thing Lol. All that and then an hour later I'm not having any of that ha ha! I'm still here and going back to nyc before the flight home. There is something I forgot to do.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Wait.... Wait a minute. Exactly WHAT happened with the cab driver? Text or pm me the answer please.
oh my god , when did that happen ? :-) (lol)
Naomi4u's Avatar
oh my god , when did that happen ? :-) (lol) Originally Posted by ninasastri
Who knows
Who knows Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I think at one point we split cabs :-)) (lol) We were too many people for one... Usually in NYC and in a limo you can have all the erotic action you want :-)).

Anyways, it was such a great night
I had a lot of fun!
We shall meet in Vienna, i truly would love to!!!! there are a few ebony escorts there too, it just does not work like in the USA, so they either are at places like www.babylon1.com or such. :-) I rarely get or have viennese clients, i travel all over europe. But i have business people from outside austria to book me. As a viennese i avoid locals and they usually don`t book 4h minimum as i request :-)) (lol). The hobby is much easier in the USA since the homepages or ad pages are all visible everywhere :-)) (lol).

And as London suggested New Orleans will definetely be a place where i will be sooner or later (early next year i assume) as i have never been there and it will be lovely to visit . Thanks for the invite :-)

Meeeooooowwww :-)
I think once i live her (mid to end next year most likely) it would be a great idea to make quarterly parties for people just to meet (privately organized of course and pre-screened) talk and have some fun. It was such a delight to have this meeting, that it was so inspirational for me to think about that. :-)

Hugs to all of you :-)