desperate demanding travel an other

  • Lynn
  • 10-03-2011, 05:47 PM
sorry about that um last post in this secection

however check out my ad in oklahoma section i have alot to offer there.

looking to relocate asap prefer vegas,reno,rhode island,massachuseets

looking to start porn,
sex magic
an find others for a new family

need adoption of me lol.....serously

want to leave asap

how legal is porn in oklahoma its legal everystate as long as there is a licence an sts papers right?

any witches um riches hehe in this section? ya got any secret um covens?

i wanna be safe if an win i go, i like to have a paid ticket for amtrak to vegas or where ever .

like to find out about balls,custome partys an mascarades of others an
private bed an breakfasts an gardning an farming.

i need a professional website down for me.
London Rayne's Avatar
Perhaps the "Ad section" in your area and the "Business Services for Providers" would suit your needs much better. This is just for chit chat.
atlcomedy's Avatar
I think London should be a moderator. Keep us all on the straight and narrow.
London Rayne's Avatar
You just wait's coming lol. St. Chris is just slow!
atlcomedy's Avatar
I wouldn't miss it...if you'll have me
London Rayne's Avatar
Why of're WTF's REAL favorite ha ha.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Why of're WTF's REAL favorite ha ha. Originally Posted by London Rayne
No he's not . I am

But yeah John has already closed two of her threads now.. you'd think she'd get the hint.
John Bull's Avatar
Interesting. No VP, no website, no Showcase, no pix in avatar hmmmmmmmm!
London Rayne's Avatar
Interesting. No VP, no website, no Showcase, no pix in avatar hmmmmmmmm! Originally Posted by John Bull
Yea, and she joined in 2009? WTF...I thought I was clueless!
Naomi, you are not his fave...I am biaatch and I will show you why ha ha. He didn't call you yesterday because his mouth was too busy doing other things...ON ME!
Naomi4u's Avatar
Naomi, you are not his fave...I am biaatch and I will show you why ha ha. He didn't call you yesterday because his mouth was too busy doing other things...ON ME! Originally Posted by London Rayne
He was nowhere around you yesterday and you know it. He is mine.... ALL MINE! You're gonna have to find someone else! Hmmmpt!
London Rayne's Avatar
He was nowhere around you yesterday and you know it. He is mine.... ALL MINE! You're gonna have to find someone else! Hmmmpt! Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Yea ok...tell him he forgot his shorts here will ya.