P411 Favorites?

JaySher's Avatar
Just curious about the intended use of favorites, and I couldn't find anything in their faqs. Can anyone else besides me see who I've chosen as a favorite? I wasn't sure if this was a way for people to keep track of ladies they've enjoyed, a 'to-do' list of hopeful visits or a way for other providers to see what your tastes are like? Thanks for the replies.
Only you can see your favorites lists. There's no notification sent to any of the ladies if you add or remove them from it.

I use mine as a must see/favorite list. I add ladies I plan on seeing. Once seen, I remove them if they didn't make the cut or keep them on for future engagements.
You could email Gina and ask. You could also call them, the ladies are very nice and I'm sure they'd be happy to answer all your questions.
I don't believe anyone can see your favorites besides you. Its just a way for you to track possible candidates or providers you like. Its a quick bookmark so you don't have to research the whole database