Batting 0/6 This Week

You read right.. 0/6 on trying to schedule meets. The girls around here are like a McDonalds drive thru... they are either lined up all at once and you're knocking one out a day all week or nada, zip. TCB skills around here are seriously lacking with the exception of Amber and Bentley. Those are the only 2 I can truly depend on.
Northerndancer's Avatar
Even Ty Cobb had dry spells. You’ll bounce and have a great run.
Great reference. Think it pretty safe to say he never been referenced on this site b4, including Detroit forums
0/6 in a week? Dam I went 0/6 in one day !!
Middle of the is not due for another 2weeks.....LOL
Firehawk's Avatar
I was 0/4 one day and when it got to that point I went to a regular. She isn't the best but when you're in a pinch it's much nicer than doing it yourself.
Build a roster of 5/6 or 10 girls… rotate them… depends on how many u can see weekly… u actually gotta see them on the regular…

call ahead line them up… beginning of the week I usually get a couple texts minimum and start to set up the week. If I hear from someone later in the week, a new girl I pull on seeking I suggest the next week to them and keep the conversation going. I always have girls on the ready.