Ladies that have access please take care of business better. Of youre gonna provide it would help to have rides ready,rooms clean,answer texts etc. Dont say you'll be here and then 40 mi uses later say you have no ride. If guys did that to you ,we would be blocked.You wanna make rent etc just be ready to TCB .thanks rant over.any white knights reading this please pass the info onto your lady friends ,we all make out in the end
Won't say they both have eyes on this page.
So basically this thread is pointless?
So basically this thread is pointless? Originally Posted by lprebel74
For all the ladies that read these threads and there are more than a few and for the handlers to get their shit together
It a chicken and egg thing. For all the times ladies ghost or don't show, there somewhat comparable number of instances where guys do same thing. So like scoot sorta infers, women who have great tcb skills and are reliable and courteous will do a lot better financially than those who dont