Do you remember when there was Hair down there

pickupkid's Avatar
Will you see a provider with hair down there?
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I don't want to see hair "down there." Afraid it might be gray instead of red!

I like being bushwhacked.
aRandyOne's Avatar
I prefer hair. Before someone starts the "cleaner, more hygienic" stuff, I ask the men:
1. Do you shave down there?
2. Since that nasty hair traps and holds sweat and stinkiness, do you shave under your arms? Your chest hair? Shave your stinky legs? Overall depilation?

1. Are you that high-volume that you don't have time to shower in between your appointments?
2. Still having issues with reaching puberty and you want to return to that pre-puber state of innocence? A shrink would have a field day with that one.

Consider your most lucrative target demographic ladies - the men that grew up watching porn of the big bush era and probably still have vintage Playboys alongside LARGE bank balances of discretionary income,

Bushy girls will get my money. Trimming is OK but please, we're not dolphins, are we?
Ms. Athena's Avatar
I like the best of both.......trimmed mound and smooth lips............I think a trimmed bush on both males and females are the sexiest look....Just my option............Yum!!
cumalot's Avatar
I like walking in the woods, but I hate to get lost in a forest...
pickupkid's Avatar

Hair pie ...... We've got Bush
DallasRain's Avatar
bare is best!
{It sucks doing body slides with stubble or a hairy kitty}

there is a provider in new orleans{Nicolet}who is supposed to be natural but but shaped

Damn I love that avatar
Fancyinheels's Avatar
1. Are you that high-volume that you don't have time to shower in between your appointments?
2. Still having issues with reaching puberty and you want to return to that pre-puber state of innocence? A shrink would have a field day with that one.

Consider your most lucrative target demographic ladies - the men that grew up watching porn of the big bush era and probably still have vintage Playboys alongside LARGE bank balances of discretionary income,

Bushy girls will get my money. Trimming is OK but please, we're not dolphins, are we? Originally Posted by aRandyOne

Being a bit catty, aren't you? Meow. Everyone has their preferences; no reason to get snide about it.

I'm low volume, far past innocence and in no way wanting to return to sexual ignorance, and at 52 I fit square center (along with the majority of my vintage Playboy-collecting gentlemen callers) into the age group you're referring to, and 90% of ALL the men I've seen personally and professionally in the 7 years I've been without a bush were pleased for a variety of reasons that didn't involve prepubescent schoolgirl fantasies. Yes, I think I do know what my most lucrative target demographic wants. But putting that aside, with all due respect, Randy, you are not a woman, so you do not realize all the factors involved in the decision to go smooth.

Gentlemen and ladies, debate this issue ad infinitum (there are 3 recent threads and dozens of older ones on bare vs. bush) and state the reasons for or against, but please, do so politely, not insultingly.
Well maybe not TOO natural! LOL! I keep the peach bare underneath with a 'headrest' on top! The best of both worlds!
I hope to get a similar brand one day Tucson!
tia travels's Avatar
Damn I love that avatar Originally Posted by tucson
hmmm, I wonder why.

and while you're waiting for your pubic hair to grow back, pubic panties:
Fancyinheels's Avatar
burkalini's Avatar
Have you ever seen a soft bush on a woman that's clean and wet in the middle. I have and it's much sexier (in my opinion) than bare lips. There are some women that have beautiful vaginas but some need a lttle help and a clean bush might be just the thing. Don't get me wrong I won't kick a woman outta bed for going bare. It's just my preference. I think most women are beautiful in all their forms.

Being a bit catty, aren't you? Meow. Everyone has their preferences; no reason to get snide about it.

I'm low volume, far past innocence and in no way wanting to return to sexual ignorance, and at 52 I fit square center (along with the majority of my vintage Playboy-collecting gentlemen callers) into the age group you're referring to, and 90% of ALL the men I've seen personally and professionally in the 7 years I've been without a bush were pleased for a variety of reasons that didn't involve prepubescent schoolgirl fantasies. Yes, I think I do know what my most lucrative target demographic wants. But putting that aside, with all due respect, Randy, you are not a woman, so you do not realize all the factors involved in the decision to go smooth.

Gentlemen and ladies, debate this issue ad infinitum (there are 3 recent threads and dozens of older ones on bare vs. bush) and state the reasons for or against, but please, do so politely, not insultingly.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
I must say Fancy, I quite enjoyed reading your response. Your eloquence and pleasant demeanor is something I'd love to see more of. Besides that, you hit the nail square on the head.

I prefer hair. Before someone starts the "cleaner, more hygienic" stuff, I ask the men:
1. Do you shave down there? As a matter of fact, about 80% of gents I've seen keep their nether regions at least trim and neat.
2. Since that nasty hair traps and holds sweat and stinkiness, do you shave under your arms? Your chest hair? Shave your stinky legs? Overall depilation? This seems out of context, as it is a medical fact your pubic areas sweat and retain moisture much more than your chest and legs, for your pits, you wear (hopefully) antiperspirant/deodorant.

1. Are you that high-volume that you don't have time to shower in between your appointments? Now, you just sound like an ass here, and as stated above, theres no need for that. I can't imagine *that* kind of woman being successful in a place where reviews hold such weight.
2. Still having issues with reaching puberty and you want to return to that pre-puber state of innocence? A shrink would have a field day with that one. You must be joking to imply that us girls who shave or wax bare are suffering from some psychological deficiency associated with puberty.. Are these 2 really the only reasons you could come up with to justify going bare? If so, maybe you're the one who needs help sir. What about it feeling good maybe?

Consider your most lucrative target demographic ladies - the men that grew up watching porn of the big bush era and probably still have vintage Playboys alongside LARGE bank balances of discretionary income, You sound like you're jaded because you can't find a variety of woman who still keep a full bush. If so, I assure you there are indeed many that fit your niche. It just takes a little looking.

Bushy girls will get my money. Trimming is OK but please, we're not dolphins, are we? I assure you, the mass populous does not share your disdain for bare skin. Your holdout won't make an impact either way. Originally Posted by aRandyOne
I like walking in the woods, but I hate to get lost in a forest... Originally Posted by cumalot

As for me, I will play with different cuts and styles but always keep my lips free of prickly hairs. Why? Because it's more sensitive without all the fluff, I spend a lot of time with my hands down my pants and I rather feel flesh than tug on hair. Grinding the button is SO much better sans a tangle of it. I personally HATE getting bushles of hair in my mouth when playing with a woman, so I only assume men feel similarly.

I understand that every woman is shaped differently and some may prefer the cover of a little bush, but when you've got a tightly packaged pretty little slip, why veil it with all those kinky, course strands?
Sasha Grey looks cute with her hair.