What would you "Do" if 12-21-12 was our Last Day?

TheAntichrist666's Avatar
I read all these stories about how the worlds going to end in December 21, 2012. I think personally, it's fiction meant to scare us all.
Hypothetically speaking, let's say NASA scientists discover a giant asteroid heading our way and our governments fail to stop it. The government finally tells everyone that 12-21-12 will be our final day...

What would you "do" on your last day?

Being a hobbyist myself and loving it, I would go see all of my favorite Providers and then I would try to hookup with as many civie women as I can ( :
I would go and get the best pizza and best beer! And, enjoy my friend!!! Then I'd fall asleep, passed out, and wake my fat ass up the next morning...in the new "era".

This world is too shitty to end...no way in hell this world is ending!!! TFF, but good post.

I would not go on a pussy binge. That's not me. I'm not SL. I'm very selective now and would be with a select one to calm her ass down with my dick! How 'bout dhat?

I'm a gentleman of sorts...
It's my birthday - I am having an End of the World/birthday party with my friends and family. If we are going to go - might as well go partying.
  • cti
  • 08-24-2012, 07:47 AM
Anti, book a full day with my ATF
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
I like your perspectives better than mine...
cumalot's Avatar
I would start selling premium front row tickets and make a fortune....anyone wanna by a ticket cheap ??? We can trade sevices ladies....ijs
Still Looking's Avatar
I would write a lot of checks!
ICU 812's Avatar
I would gather my family around me and give thanks for all the blessings in our lives.
canoodle's Avatar
I would hope to be cumming in a tight pussy at the time!
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
I agree... ( :
wcdann's Avatar
i want to take a favorite provider to a fovorite resturant and eat my favorite meal then spend the rest of the evening doing my favorite positions with my favorite provider. Then wake up in the morning and do it all again.
Gucci's Avatar
  • Gucci
  • 08-25-2012, 09:28 PM
I can actually remember when they thought that 12-31-1999 would be the last day ! Prince even made a song about it !
LaStang's Avatar
if it were my last day and i knew it .... i would bend my co-worker over her desk and fuck her in the ass in front of the entire office
burkalini's Avatar
Shit Stang. People are getting ass-fucked all the time at work. What's the big deal. lol
Pink Floyd's Avatar
I agree... ( : Originally Posted by TheAntichrist666
Confucius say woman who fly upside down have big crack up.

I would empty my retirement fund and get a 24 hour BBBJ.