It's the little things...

This morning I went by to see an attorney I've been working with on a project. We're not necessarily friends, just business acquaintances. After our discussion was over he walked me to the door. As I was leaving, he stuck out his hand and said, "Can I say something?" "Of course," I said. "Thank you for being my client." he replied.

He was so quiet about it and so humble and sincere that I was struck with favor for this man--a known expert in his field. Suddenly, his hourly rate no longer mattered. His mastery of the smaller things made him elite.

Surely there are some here who have experienced the same with a favorite lady. What 'small thing' has she done that made all the difference?
Sweet N Little's Avatar
It is the little things that can mean so much, I had a client tell me something that has made me feel really really good and have Ive been smiling all week, he probably has no idea how much it meant to me. Something so simple made all the difference in the world

Nice post JD

Very sweet, I know what you mean......
B.Wayne's Avatar
I just had to reply. It resonates with me. I am sure alot of guys meet all kinds of women and have a variable buffet in this "playground" but in the end, I don't need to go through the motions with one woman to the next. Each woman is different each has good qualities but there is just that one for me or maby several for a few guys. I don't want to sound like a pimp, because I know I talk alot about kimmy sugar. She is my ATF for a reason. The little things that lets me know what kind of a person she can be.

The first time we did an outcall she brought me a little holiday gift. We had only met 2 times before that. I was completely baffled and surprised. It was very thoughtful. Another time she asked me if I wanted her to bring me dinner. I was like, huh? In that same time I was worried about time and she tossed the clock in a chair so I wouldnt look at it and worry about time. So 'I' would not worry about time. To this day the few other ladies I have met I have not had those same experiences. She is in a class all her own and she is just right for 'me'. It just makes a guy feel special. In civie relationships I find alot of the women are about them and their wants. She makes me feel like it's about ME. Every guy should experience that.

Others have different things they like about someone but those small things keep me enchanted and really speak volumes. You can go through the motions time and time again but stuff like that is awsome. She even got me a card with a pic that I have yet to pick up....I think it's time to collect my little gift. ;
I have too, sometimes it gets me emotional. But it is always the HAPPY tears!
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
You know...2 years ago when I was 23 years old. I met a beautiful Provider, her name was Hailey. She was a beautiful Irish red haired 26 year old girl with green eyes. I was going to get locked up in jail for quite sometime. I was still a virgin, no chick I ever dated, ever gave me a chance. I was the quiet, shy, nerdy geek, nice guy. I saw her online and I decided to make an appointment to see her. I told her this was my first time and I set up a 2 hour appointment. I met her the next night at a nice upscale Italian restaurant, she was hotter than I expected. We had a nice meal together and a very interesting conversation, we talked about each other and I enjoyed listening to her sexy Irish accent. As I was walking her to her car, I handed her a bouquet of roses. She grabbed them and she told me that no one ever had ever done that for her ever. I had made her day. We then drove to the incall hotel that was nearby. We both got comfortable. Before the fireworks began that night, she told me that it didn't matter who I ever slept with from that day and forward, my session with her I would never ever be able to forget. She was true to her word. Even till this day, no Provider I ever been with has been able to match her performance and skills on that unforgettable night. The next morning I showed up in court for my arraignment. The bailiff tells me to step forward and the DA tells me to walk into her office with the bailiff following me. I'm terrified and thinking I'm doing 2-5 years in state prison. She pulls out my file and tells me that my case is being dismissed because I had always been a good boy, but the DA warned me not to break the law ever again. The best thing a Provider had ever done for me...was to make my "first time" unforgettable.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
And that right there is what the term GFE means, folks.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
And that right there is what the term GFE means, folks. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
+ 1....note to self...find virgin j/k....that was a cool story AC
JD, I understand what you wrote and I have had that in the RW which always makes a point for me. However, in this world I have never had that with a provider. Don't know why but nobody ever seems interested in doing the little things. I always took it as their attitude but what do I know. What I am looking for the one that will do something like that, i.e. the little thing, that makes them stand out in my mind.
pyramider's Avatar
And that right there is what the term GFE means, folks. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser

To make a true GFE, he would have had blue balls and she would also kicked him in the nuts. Now that would be GFE.
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
Thanks JD for posting this... It is always the little things that matter the most. It is always the little things that make a big difference.
Phantom it has to a lot to do with the way the client acts as well. Or it could be that you are seeing ladies that do this for nothing but the money. I have many guys that I appreciate and tell them all the time. But I will be the first to tell you that if your attitude sucks then it becomes only for the money, I cant wait to get you out of the room, and those nice words would never come out of my mouth.

For my special sweethearts I bring homemade Christmas candy during the holidays. Thats when you know I luv ya and appreciate ya.
I totally agree it is the little things that make the BIGGEST impression...Be it in the hobby world or real life just saying Thank you and i appreciate you really go a long way and mean alot....
Still Looking's Avatar
I sure hope this doesn't turn into another penis thread!
Phantom it has to a lot to do with the way the client acts as well. Or it could be that you are seeing ladies that do this for nothing but the money. I have many guys that I appreciate and tell them all the time. But I will be the first to tell you that if your attitude sucks then it becomes only for the money, I cant wait to get you out of the room, and those nice words would never come out of my mouth.

For my special sweethearts I bring homemade Christmas candy during the holidays. Thats when you know I luv ya and appreciate ya. Originally Posted by kymberlane
Now, now Kymber: Unlike what some may think, I am not an ogre.Let's just say that I have scaled back my expectations in this demimonde world to be less than what you, and the others, have described. In the RW, I have had people do and say the little things that made quite the impression on me. Likewise, I have paid attention to the details which gives them a bounce in their step. I just have not had that in this world and I have been around longer than most here, so I have just come to expect the behavior I described in my first post in this thread.

For me, I have not had a provider do a little thing since even the well-reviewed providers along with the UTR ones I have seen, just don't do that. Now telling me something is one thing, which I never take seriously since that is what a girl does to get someone to come back to her. Yet, doing something is a horse of a different color. That is why I don't repeatedly see a single provider anymore since it has been my experience the little things don't seem to matter. For me, actions speak louder than words and always will.