Pic ? for everyone

JustMeCLTXGG's Avatar
ok it's my 100th post. :P super cool right? *sarcasm*

I was going to ask just the guys then decided wth, why not ask anyone willing to answer, even the girls. might as well get the perspective of the ones I notice more often doing it (came back to ad this part)

what is up with the sideways showcase pics? does that bug anyone else like it does me? why don't you girls just rotate the image files so they are straight up and down? (or, do any of you guys know why they don't?) do some girls just not know how to? heck, I get tempted to save the image file myself, rotate it and e-mail it back to them! :P if it's supposed to add something I must be missing it but do share. I prefer it so I don't have crick my neck. now that I think about it typing this, I have seen guys do the same. heck, stop that! rotate the images! it's easy!

if this has been brought up before, my apologies. I didn't feel like digging/searching through the forums and I'm curious. also, on the plus side, since I am the one starting the thread I know this isn't an ad. *sarcasm again*
SpiceItUp's Avatar
A lot of provider's showcase pics are nothing but blurry dimly lit smartphone selfies what do you think?
JustMeCLTXGG's Avatar
I'd think they could still rotate them. not to mention some aren't the crap photos. I've come across quite a few.

maybe they'll read this and fix them! lol I know, I know, yeah right!
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
Not an issue for me, but I get a lot of upside down i-phone pics that are tough to rotate, it's really annoying.

Wakeup's Avatar
why don't you girls just rotate the image files so they are straight up and down? Originally Posted by JustMeCLTXGG
Half the hooker's heads just exploded...out of the remaining hookers, 99% are drooling on their phones...and the other 1% is Lauren Mayfair...

Dude...half the hookers in this site wear heels just because they don't know how to tie their shoes...and you want them to actually do technical work???

boardman's Avatar
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
It drives me crazy and I have to say, for me personally, it comes across as lazy and that they just don't care because I've never met a photo that took me even 15 seconds to rotate and I'm pretty much a computer idiot. I bet I can do maybe 25% of the things my computer would allow me to do if I knew how.

I feel the same way when I see showcases and websites riddled with a lowercase "i" instead of a capitalized "I".
boardman's Avatar
I bet I can do maybe 25% of the things my computer would allow me to do if I knew how. Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
Wait, What?

JustMeCLTXGG's Avatar
Wait, What? Originally Posted by boardman
I believe she's saying she isn't maximizing the potential of her computer's capabilities.

25% is probably a high estimate. nothing against her I just doubt any of us do.

I mean come on, porn? probably 3% at most! (joking people!)

you know like how they say people only use 10% of the brains?
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
I know I could really benefit from attending those Apple Store classes, lol. 25% off if you are a genius!

boardman's Avatar
I believe she's saying she isn't maximizing the potential of her computer's capabilities.

25% is probably a high estimate. nothing against her I just doubt any of us do.

I mean come on, porn? probably 3% at most! (joking people!)

you know like how they say people only use 10% of the brains? Originally Posted by JustMeCLTXGG

  • Sonya
  • 07-17-2014, 01:07 PM
Half the hooker's heads just exploded...out of the remaining hookers, 99% are drooling on their phones...and the other 1% is Lauren Mayfair...

Dude...half the hookers in this site wear heels just because they don't know how to tie their shoes...and you want them to actually do technical work???

Pfft... Originally Posted by Wakeup
I'm just curious. Does that mean your wife Valerie's head exploded or she's drooling on her phone? No worries, math can be hard. I hear 76.2% of all statistics are made up anyway.
boardman's Avatar
Why are so many hookers hateful of the eccie power couple...Wakerie?
LexusLover's Avatar
what is up with the sideways showcase pics? Originally Posted by JustMeCLTXGG
Just visualize them as lying down, .....

.... so you get an idea of how they look in a reclining position.
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
We're not hateful of power couples, but Wakeup has said numerous times that they have never been bcd and that is probably what bugs people (male & female). Personally, I think they both get off on messing with people, lol

I'm not a big Val fan, but I do like the black & white photos in her showcase, she looks like a strung out crack whore in a few (little Lady Gaga look), but for the most part they are really artistic. I think she's wasting her true talents on this board.

There you have it...xoxo


Why are so many hookers hateful of the eccie power couple...Wakerie? Originally Posted by boardman