should I stop call

I got something I would like to run by everyone
I have a go to lady I try to see once a month. For the past two months she has not responded to my calls. I really would hate to lose my go to lady but I also would hate to come off as some kind of wierdo. I have contact her about four time in the last two months twice each month. What does everyone think?
  • cr76
  • 03-02-2016, 02:08 PM
It's a looks but it happens - give it some time - maybe she will come looking for you to get your calls - but if you tried to reach her plenty of times - I'd stops - it's he games - the girls leave all the time for any variety of reasons .
dearhunter's Avatar
You should go by her incall and make sure she is ok.....act like you are a Jehovah's Witness or something.
Thatcher's Avatar
Find another ,it happens.
tbone77494's Avatar
Yep. Move on. She has. Maybe a sugar daddy, maybe jail, who knows. I'd send one last text saying something like "hope you are well, enjoyed our visits, let me know if you would like to get back together some time, good luck." Then find a new regular.
You should go by her incall and make sure she is ok.....act like you are a Jehovah's Witness or something. Originally Posted by dearhunter
I really would hate to lose my go to lady but I also would hate to come off as some kind of wierdo. Originally Posted by dmond31
What makes you think you haven't already come off as some kind of weirdo? Maybe she's telling you something with silence.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Nur zwei Text im Monat? Das klingt nicht wie das Engagement für mich. Wenn Sie wirklich zu ficken wollte, dann müssen Sie ihr einen Text jede volle Stunde zu senden. alle sechs Stunden durch einen Aufruf gefolgt. Vergessen Sie nicht, stark in das Mikrofon zu atmen, wenn es an die Voicemail geht
[Only two text a month? That doesn't sound like dedication to me. If you really wanted to fuck (reads: see) her then you need to send her one text every hour on the hour. Followed by a call every six (6) hours. Don't forget to breathe heavily into the microphone when it goes to voice mail]
pyramider's Avatar
You should go by her incall and make sure she is ok.....act like you are a Jehovah's Witness or something. Originally Posted by dearhunter

It works ...
Pyramider, would you consider changing the Crazy Joe Devola avatar? It's just dang scary.
Pyramider, would you consider changing the Crazy Joe Devola avatar? It's just dang scary. Originally Posted by Sadsack
Maybe that's actually Pyramider in his Crazy Joe Devola costume. There's some guy on here how actually wears his Spiderman costume to appointments.
I have some super hero jammies. I may wear them to my 2:00 tomorrow.
mcee22's Avatar
Been dealing with same situation after my ATF caught GPS & went Indy. Now she's acting like she's too good to see me again or not even professional enough reply to a p411 PM or appt. request. It sucks but no choice but to move on. Plenty of other ladies that do enjoy having me as a regular client.
canihitit's Avatar
Never chase pussy you are paying for.

Its a bad look.
I just rolled by her incall the lights are on and the van is still parked in the same spot.