Web service.

Ladies I am offering Web services to any of whom are interested. What you will be getting is y Po u r own custom ed designed site, not a template which also includes a.content management system allowing you manage your site at.your own discretion including text, pictures, and any other material. Again these are custom so after a brief discussion I can give you a personalized demo and go from there. All sites will include:
Mobile development -custom
Pictures will be formatted to high def.
Social media plug in - twotter, fb, etc
Easy to an age content management system ( adding or deleting)
1 year maintenance.
Any additional help you may need managing site free of charge.
Fair prices for add ion at add on.
Domain registry... .

A little about me. I am a .Microsoft Web certified developer and have over 6 years experience. I am current with all the latest technologies that will set your site different from other . I have my own cloud based data warehouse which means your sights, lending nuclear holocaust are always up. Please feel free to pm me with a call back number to discuss more.
Pardon typos.
I am running a holiday discount so if you are interested just let me know.