Do I need to put in every review?

burkalini's Avatar
I'm getting fucking lazy in my old age. I used to put in a review on every session. Now I just put in the ones that I really like or really hate. I feel like I have to do a book report when I do a review. I figure I have about 35 unreviewed sessions in the last year. I know SL does em all but am I hurting myself by not reviewing them all?
I know what you mean. I'm not a writer at all and even a couple of paragraphs in a review takes me awhile to do. I've had unreviewed sessions myself but I try to do the ones that add info about the lady. For her and for the brothers. Just my 2 cents.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
Do as YOU choose. As long as you have a current review now and then for screening purposes you should be fine. However, some men do not partake in reviews at all and they can still be verfied/screened etc,. So again, do what you do
  • Laz
  • 01-17-2013, 09:31 PM
I write reviews when I can for two reasons. First is I am a cheap bastard and won't pay for premium access. The second is that as long as I was happy with the session it is good advertising for the provider and it is one way to say thanks.

As for what you should do, do what you want. Unless there was something special to inform the rest of us about, whether it was good or bad. You are not hurting us.
shorty's Avatar
Or do as I did, Don't Review Any Ladies!! All ladies know this going into a session and some have asked for a review but reviews are a major pain in the ass. I do have one lady that I might break my policy but we discussed it and decided it was best for both us to not have the review up.
Cpalmson's Avatar
I love doing reviews. Only time I won't review is if she has a no review policy or she is a UTR and a review would ruin that status.
From the non wordsmith here.......

I do not write a review of every encounter. I write the reviews, of the ones that I think, are worthy of the book report.... (BTW that is spot on)

I did not grow up with the computer in my face, and my thoughts from brain to fingers suck..... So when I do write a review, it is an exercise for me....

All of my other computer generated reports are for, Facts, just that.... Facts.
With the reviews, I am learning to add a bit of humor, and some color...

Writing a review is great mental masturbation for me... My reviews suck, but it helps me to form a thought, that I can pass along.

Don't shy away from it... Most of the guys that post regularly will steer you in the right direction, ... Stay true with your observations, and report the facts, do not worry about writing a porn novel.... ( me I like to hear more about the woman, VS... what you thought you did to her)

This is fun..... type away! ( there are grammar Nazi's on every board )
awl4knot's Avatar
From the non wordsmith here.......

I do not write a review of every encounter. I write the reviews, of the ones that I think, are worthy of the book report.... (BTW that is spot on)

I did not grow up with the computer in my face, and my thoughts from brain to fingers suck..... So when I do write a review, it is an exercise for me....

All of my other computer generated reports are for, Facts, just that.... Facts.
With the reviews, I am learning to add a bit of humor, and some color...

Writing a review is great mental masturbation for me... My reviews suck, but it helps me to form a thought, that I can pass along.

Don't shy away from it... Most of the guys that post regularly will steer you in the right direction, ... Stay true with your observations, and report the facts, do not worry about writing a porn novel.... ( me I like to hear more about the woman, VS... what you thought you did to her)

This is fun..... type away! ( there are grammar Nazi's on every board ) Originally Posted by lookn4boobies
Writing a good review is hard work; just like any type of writing is hard work. You have to remember the facts, organize them, recognize and express a theme and then find words and phrases that both inform and entertain the reader. It can take me hours and several drafts to get it right.

A good review does several things. It informs the community. If things went well it is an appreciation of the lady that can help her business. It's a form of monger verification and an expression of who he is. Finally, at least for me, I can see an end to this and my reviews are personal journal of the good times and good women I have experienced.

But to end where I began, it is hard slogging at times.
bojulay's Avatar
Some reviews are too tedious for me where the guy describes
the scenery on the way to her incall and what the weather was like
and what he was doing the day before or something for example.

Just stick to the facts, short and sweet I say, all the pertinent info
and go, like a seal team going in and doing an extraction.

Highlights and/or lowlights and out the door.
Still Looking's Avatar
One day I will publish the ones that I never posted. Like you Burk I have saved about 30+ in the last year I didn't publish for different reasons.
coachstl's Avatar
I write novel-length reviews because that's how I like to read them. If a review is a paragraph or two I just don't read it. I do a lot of due diligence before I see someone new, and I want to know what makes them tick, what pisses them off, and who to avoid because I don't think we'll click. I prefer a more GFE experience though...I'm picky when it comes to that. So I like to read the long ones to get a feel of what works and what doesn't, and every detail helps for me.
plainjoe's Avatar
I like every details in reviews. I have saved $$$ and my time by doing research on ladies, thus to pay back to the hobby, I write and submit reviews. The main way to do my research is to read the reviews (or recommendations of senior members) penned by guys like us. My research has resulted in good to great sessions, no bad ones (yet).
Like Laz, I'm cheap/thrifty - better to spend the $$$ on ladies than on access. And like Cpalmson, if the lady does not want a review or wishes to remain UTR, no review is written. There have been a few ladies that have asked for reviews, so I have written them too - again, good or bad. I have not yet met a UTR, I'm sure that it will be a matter of time.
When I write my reviews, it takes a while because I remember and live through the session - putting it on the screen takes time, but well worth the exercise.
burkalini's Avatar
Thanks gang.
If you use the reviews here to screen/decide on providers, I think you should also write reviews and share them so others can benefit from your experiences as you have from theirs. That just seems fair.

If not, that's between you and the providers as mentioned extensively below. I know we value reviews from members with many reviews a little more than others, as they theoretically have enough experiences to judge from, and you can get an idea of their tastes from other reviews and see if they align with your own.
pyramider's Avatar
I will post a review if the lady asks. I write the review to communicate that she is who she says she is, and did I enjoy myself. I do not write reviews for fucktards to read with one hand.