Noob question

New to the hobby and know there are always risks. However, I'm curious to know people's thoughts on the safest scenario possible.

My guess and my thoughts are using P411/ECCIE verified providers that have an incall location that is a house vs a hotel? But, curiosity has me wondering how these incall locations don't have neighbors asking questions? A hotel is a moving target, so maybe it is safter? But, someone has paid for a house as a base. Which brings more financial risk to them, so I'm assuming they have done their homework to have the safest possible location? I'm assuming never the actual provider though?

Just trying to wrap my head around all this. I have had one experience in which I was incredibly nervous but enjoyed it greatly. It was like a blur in a way though. lol A sports analogy.......more experience and the game will slow down.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Actually, the safest scenario is for you to select a verified provider from P411/ECCIE. It is best to select a provider who has recent reviews and is active on the board. As for location, it is probably safest for you to do outcall where you get the room. When you do this, you control the environment. You pick the hotel. You can see who is coming and going. Finally, if your Spidey Senses have you on the jitters, you can back out at the last minute by simply not answering the door. Of course, what is safest for you is not safest for the girl. The safest for the girl is for her to pick the hotel. It really all comes down to who controls the situation.
pyramider's Avatar
Come on SOS ... What's the worse thing that could happen? Go for it ...
shorty's Avatar
Safest bet is Rosey Palm. Can always call on her, is very reliable, and knows how you like it.
I live in a larger city that is very small. Amazing how many people you can run into. So, getting a hotel, for ME, would be even riskier I think. I have done a lot of reading on here and there is great information. Some of this is just thinking out loud. I appreciate the comments. thanks