caption this - Bat Man

normalguy21's Avatar
Hurry Robin McDonald is just ahead.
normalguy21's Avatar
Dammit robin i told you no more playgrounds .
Run Forest Run.
tia travels's Avatar
BATMAN TO ROBIN: "If I told you once--I told you a million times...a body at rest--STAYS at rest. A body in motion--STAYS in motion. Now you understand why I kept nagging you to get off your ass and stay mobile all these years!"
tia travels's Avatar
BATMAN: "Quick the Batmobile!!"
tia travels's Avatar
ROBIN: "Holy Pikachu Batman!!"
Short legs are a bitch, right Robin.
titanicvol's Avatar
Robin:" Who knew that was Kim Jong-un's sister?"

Batman: "shut up and run you dumbass"
5T3V3's Avatar
  • 5T3V3
  • 01-12-2015, 07:45 AM
Batman: "run Robin, nobodies gonna pokie my balls"
Robin: "Holy Pokedex Batman Ash thinks I am his fletchinder!"
Pikachu: " Pika - pika chu!"
Robin: "Did that thing just say he wants to peek at you?"
Batman: "I am afraid so robin, his owners name is Ass Ketchup!"
Robin: "I sure miss the day it was just the joker, riddler and penguin"

Batman: "Robin, things may get a little weird"
Robin: "thank God nobody has magikarp, Batman!"

this message brought to you by too many kids in the house