issuing points?

mtndew's Avatar
I've seen comments about issuing points from mods for as long as I've been a forum member. I decided to look for the rules on it and was unable to find it. What's the story? 3 strikes? Is there a link for those of us who are curious? I have a feeling that when you post the answer, I'll feel dumb for missing it.

There is a point system in use by staff. Points are assigned on a scale based on the seriousness of the infraction. Points remain on record for 12 months. If points accumulate in excess of the limit, the offender will be banned for one year. Details of the point system are privy to staff, but violations and points are explained to offenders when points are assessed.

The offenses are set forth in forum guidelines. Don't violate the guidelines and there should be no worry about the details of the point system.

Hope that helps. PM any further questions.

mtndew's Avatar
Keeping the point system under wraps actually makes some sense, though at first blush the secrecy is not real pretty.
Thanks Huck!
I suspect that human nature would cause people to push the envelope right up to the edge of being banned... and then argue with staff why they assigned how many points for what infraction, It's a lose-lose situation...
