Suggestion for a new poll

Saw the poll about screen names and the discussion thread about breasts and preference of size. How about a new poll asking about favorite part of the female anatomy, ie. breast, thigh, leg and my favorite: butt. just a suggestion.

Guest020111's Avatar
Saw the poll about screen names and the discussion thread about breasts and preference of size. How about a new poll asking about favorite part of the female anatomy, ie. breast, thigh, leg and my favorite: butt. just a suggestion.

Paul Originally Posted by pauljacobs

Sure Paul, make it yourself or I'll make you one up. ;p
Guest020111's Avatar
Here ya go Paul : [ame=""]Favorite female anatomy part -[/ame]
Thanks, didn't quite know how to set it up. I appreciate it. Might be rather interesting.
Guest020111's Avatar
it isn't that hard. at the bottom of a simple post there is an option for a poll. I just started messing around with it. Still don't have all the options figured out.