
Gentlemen are you always honest in your reviews? Do you sometimes not post a review because it would be a no?
  • jwood
  • 12-10-2015, 08:59 PM
TheEccie214's Avatar
Just the most recent fallout from a guy giving an honest review:

And look at the comments on the actual review - is that incentive to be honest?
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Gentlemen are you always honest in your reviews? Do you sometimes not post a review because it would be a no? Originally Posted by sh!724
Yes. Yes.
albundy's Avatar
One thing that I have noticed in provider reviews is a lot of guys REALLY exaggerate how a provider looks. I'll read a review and the guy makes her sound like she came straight out of Victoria's Secret and when I see her in person, she looks more like the Goodwill Store.

Usually, it's not THAT bad, but on a few occasions I couldn't help but be disappointed. Everyone has different tastes, I get that. But it seems a lot of guys try to kiss ass with the providers and heap WAY too much praise on some of them. I get it. But, more critical reviews are more helpful and better prepare me for what to expect.
rexdutchman's Avatar
yes, honest (however be ready for the kickback )
roadfun's Avatar
I'm with Al. I think a lot of guys get caught up in the thrill or fantasy and exaggerate. But with some experience it isn't hard to tell from the way the review is worded. Seeing someone new with high expectations based on reviews can be real disappointing and lead to a 'bad' session even if it really wasn't 'bad'. Just expectations set too high.

I am always honest in my reviews and try not to get 'carried away' by a fun time.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I'm always honest, and will give a "no" when it is deserved.. I did see one Provider 2 years ago, that would have got a "no", whom I didn't review.. but she was quitting (and did, 2 weeks later), and had never been reviewed, so I didn't bother. There's been another 4 (?) I saw that would have got a "yes", whom I didn't review.

I don't write puff pieces, I don't slander, I just write honest accounts.. I've never written shit like "she O'd 3 times!", or other nonsense performance patter.. I don't recall any backlash from any "no" recommendation.. other than "Chung, WTF is wrong with you, how could you pay to see someone like that?!", LOL
I'm curious as to why you will review one lady over another? If they both show you a great time, what is the deciding factor on who gets accolades?
Iam45's Avatar
  • Iam45
  • 12-11-2015, 12:17 PM
That is an assumption. Why would one review only one of the 2?
I'm curious as to why you will review one lady over another? If they both show you a great time, what is the deciding factor on who gets accolades? Originally Posted by Kendall4U
I only review now as asked. I have more than enough premium access and the thrill of writing them for me is not there. Maybe because I basically write for a living. I always try to make it my business to ask a lady "if" she wants a review.

Now, if I would not recommend a provider, I will always write the no review as to keep my fellow brethren informed. However, I am incredibly easy to please so that doesn't happen a lot.
I review every ECCIE provider i meet same day.(don't always review BP providers unless something stands out). I try to be as accurate and honest as possible, from my own point of view of course. I've been lucky enough to have mainly yes recommendations, but if it is a no then i will definitely write a review about my experience giving great detail for my reasoning.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I'm curious as to why you will review one lady over another? If they both show you a great time, what is the deciding factor on who gets accolades? Originally Posted by Kendall4U
for me? I was asked not to review 2-3 times, would have been "yes" if I had reviewed.. another time way too much specific RW info was passed, I got a bit too personal, and she got even more personal.. better to just keep quiet.
I'm curious as to why you will review one lady over another? If they both show you a great time, what is the deciding factor on who gets accolades? Originally Posted by Kendall4U
That is an assumption. Why would one review only one of the 2? Originally Posted by Iam45
If a provider is giving a review special, then obviously, I will review her, good bad or indifferent, but essentially, I review who I want to review, period. No one will tell me who I should review, however, with that said, when another hobbyist reviews a provider I have seen BCD but never have reviewed, to tell my opinion about her BCD skills on the open board, even tho it is info sharing, it is not credible without a base we can all see to have that opinion, nor should it be.

I find it funny that on most of the "no" recommendation reviews, the OP of that review gets commended on how honest the review was. Those type of reviews do not get published very often due to provider and/or WK backlash, plus a guy who has a few "no" reviews in his history will somehow make a provider who he wants to see for a session, be hesitant to see him with the jaded thinking of he is too hard to please.
downtownfellow's Avatar
I had a good time once with a very well known provider here, it was good and i enjoyed myself. However, right at the end she said something rude and nasty about another provider i knew and it just killed the.moment for me. I decided not to review her, first and only time Ive done that.