Ladies & Gents: How do you handle the "Oops" moment

AllThisMeat's Avatar
Every once in a while it happens... you see a pretty girl. You do your research. You get screened. You meet. You're excited to be there. You take care of the donation and things start to get frisky. All of a sudden you're done faster than you thought you would be.

Perhaps the excitement of the moment got you all worked up and you "finished" earlier than you had hoped. Perhaps she was more talented than you had anticipated. Either way, you're 5 minutes into a half hour appointment and you're wondering what to do...

Some ladies have a "once you pop you have to stop" policy. Others have a "you have 25 minutes left, make yourself comfortable and we'll see if we can make it happen again" type of mindset. I know some ladies find it frustrating to know a guy is "holding out" on her when she knows he's about to explode at any moment.

I'm just curious about how you guys and gals handle these things when they occur. I never thought it would happen to me and then it did! Maybe I should have tried to finish my time out with a massage haha

Anyway, feel free to leave your experiences below. I'm interested in your input.
KCQuestor's Avatar
It happened to me the first time I saw Summer. I'm the guy that always struggles to get off, especially with a condom. I always make the girl work for it. Multiple positions, lockjaw, whatever, it takes the whole time. But then I saw Summer and I put it in and she wrapped her legs around me and looked up at me and said "Oh yeah, fuck me daddy" and I goddamn lost it. Never popped so fast in my life, not even when I was 17.

But I knew the deal with Summer was one-and-done, so I got cleaned up and got dressed and left with a good 15 minutes to go on my half hour. Oh well, I got what I came for. I think she was the most expensive pop I've ever had, on a per-minute basis.
ss4699's Avatar
First meetings are the most diffucult from my experience. A good provider can many times sense that and take the time to get the visitor comfortable, assuming they are more interested in future visits.
First meeting- u take a little time to make them a bit (which i do otc).. little bit of playful teasing while you talk...and then its on!!

Msog- pfftttt the more u get in that time the better.. ill even challenge to top your typical number of pops.. and if youre a one popper... then there is the fun of tease and denial. Get him close and then back off... get him close and back off. And when you finally allow him to pop... its explosive!!
MSOG is the way to go. To me, the time is what has been paid for. Most ads say as much. So, whatever you wanna do in the time is free game. Just my humble opinion, and what I try to confirm with the provider ahead of time.
i just usually ask what they want to do next...some want to go ahead a leave. some want to cuddle and some want to try for another orgasm.

any of these is good for me. I think its a compliment when i guy comes fast....makes me feel very hot and desired
I usually don't have that problem, usually its will l
ss4699's Avatar
I usually don't have that problem, usually its will l Originally Posted by gary5912
Gary - you need to meet the ANGEL of KS - she will take that problem away!
i just usually ask what they want to do next...some want to go ahead a leave. some want to cuddle and some want to try for another orgasm.

any of these is good for me. I think its a compliment when i guy comes fast....makes me feel very hot and desired Originally Posted by Angel in KC
I still remember the "first time". Infact everytime fells like the first time. Each is a unique experience. Infact we need another first time soon. The adventure of the "eternal virgin" - My life story!

First meeting- u take a little time to make them a bit (which i do otc).. little bit of playful teasing while you talk...and then its on!!

Msog- pfftttt the more u get in that time the better.. ill even challenge to top your typical number of pops.. and if youre a one popper... then there is the fun of tease and denial. Get him close and then back off... get him close and back off. And when you finally allow him to pop... its explosive!! Originally Posted by Devon Derriere
Devon, the lady makes all the differnce in the experience and the number of successful repeats seem to make a difference. Experienced my first TUMA yesterday. It was as awesome as the shave I had a few days earlier. I owe a couple of special ladies some reviews.
AllThisMeat's Avatar
For me, this wasn't a "first time" encounter. This was someone I had seen several times before... so, not exactly the same situation as described.
Martyoo7's Avatar
An easy fix to this problem is get a hold of yourself and take care of the easy one first...about an hour before your
KCQuestor's Avatar
If I did that, I'd probably end up thinking I didn't need to go on the date. I've saved myself a whole lot of money over the years taking it into my own hands. "Whew, that just saved me $150!"
love2fishfork's Avatar
Years ago the playboy adviser got a letter that basically read.

"I need advise on three problems"
1. I'm afraid my girlfriend will get pregnant.
2. I'm worried about STD's.
3. I suffer from premature ejaculation.

Playboys answer.
1. Wear a condom.
2. Wear two condoms.
3. Wear three condoms.
It happens.

As Beagle stated, I too confirm ahead of time with the provider MSOG is on the menu; if MSOG is not on the menu, I won't schedule a full-hour appt.
tejero's Avatar
if you let one off an hour before the date. What's the point of having a date. You shouldn't even be horny anymore. Atleast not for another few hours.
lookin4red's Avatar
I think there is nothing wrong with simply acknowledging it for what it simply happens sometimes!

I just try to enjoy the company of who I may be with, and start making plans on how things are going to play differently the next time we visit together!