Hello Ladies....
I wanted to share some info with you all. As you might know, I have been in the process of retiring from the Profession... I wanted to share a place I have been attending meetings that has been quite useful for me. It is called Veronica's Voice and there are some really great ladies that I have met here. It is a non profit organization that is focused on helping ladies in the industry. They are a mecca of different resources and information. If you would like any information about the organization and/ or I can help you in any way... Please do not hesitate to contact me!!
Veronica's Victims, interesting, even more so that a pro domme is a "survivor" and "victim."
Some of us had our sexuality foisted upon us before the age of 12 years old, after the age of at least 25 it’s a choice much as addiction and what you eat is a choice. Obviously there are those who have no choice, but it's hard to believe that they would be on ECCIE advertising their wares.
I know about Veronica's Voice and think it is great. While most of us ladies love this profession, and do it by choice, some girls aren't so lucky. Some of the people don't want to do this and are forced into it. And no its not only minors that are forced, there are adults forced into it as well. I think its great that those certain ladies that don't "choose" to do this know there are ways for them to get help.
KenMonk's Avatar
I checked out the site, how can 12 be the avg age? I'm calling bullshit on that stat alone.

edit: In fact most of those stats seem ridiculous. I like that there is an option for ladies being forced to do this or that are abused, but those stats just seem WAY off base. Not to mention some of them are outdated by 15 years.
I checked out the site, how can 12 be the avg age? I'm calling bullshit on that stat alone.

edit: In fact most of those stats seem ridiculous. I like that there is an option for ladies being forced to do this or that are abused, but those stats just seem WAY off base. Originally Posted by KenMonk
I agree I don't think the average age would be 12 although I'm not an expert. I would think it would be more between 16-20ish.
The Sixth Beatle's Avatar
One of the issues I find with most movements/advocacy groups is that they tend to overstate the facts or slant the statistics to make their point. Environmental groups, gun groups, abortion groups, pro and con, are almost all guilty of this.

That's not to say they don't have a argument or valid position. I just wish they'd stick to the facts and not exaggerate or mislead.
KenMonk's Avatar
One of the issues I find with most movements/advocacy groups is that they tend to overstate the facts or slant the statistics to make their point. Environmental groups, gun groups, abortion groups, pro and con, are almost all guilty of this.

That's not to say they don't have a argument or valid position. I just wish they'd stick to the facts and not exaggerate or mislead. Originally Posted by The Sixth Beatle
Thats my point. It makes me doubt everything they say or do after that.
I checked out the site, how can 12 be the avg age? I'm calling bullshit on that stat alone. Originally Posted by KenMonk
Average age of entry into prostitution in North America. Not the USA, but the whole continent. Mexico, Cuba, Guatemala, et cetera.

It's easy to get a skewed point of view, too. ECCIE caters mostly to independent providers, and certainly only those of legal age. The other public sites I've seen have a similar clientele. Being a part of this community really doesn't give you insight into the more disgusting stuff that certainly goes on.
KenMonk's Avatar
Average age of entry into prostitution in North America. Not the USA, but the whole continent. Mexico, Cuba, Guatemala, et cetera.

It's easy to get a skewed point of view, too. ECCIE caters mostly to independent providers, and certainly only those of legal age. The other public sites I've seen have a similar clientele. Being a part of this community really doesn't give you insight into the more disgusting stuff that certainly goes on. Originally Posted by Amaranth
Again the stats are twisted to prove a point. That site, if i am not mistaken, is targeted towards the local Kansas City area (Kansas/Missouri), or at the very least the United States. When you start to twist facts by bringing up other North American countries, you ruin your position of strength as a creditable source of information. In fact, no where in that information packet did it stat where the stat came from, or that the stat was for the world, North America, the United States, or just the local Kansas/Missouri area.

What gives me insight is a logical mind, knowing how to look and research facts, and understanding and filtering out the bullshit. When a site/group uses bloated and twisted stats, references and research that is 10 to 15 years old, and baseless facts/information I question it. Not only do I question it, I find anything they have to say there after to be suspect in the credability department.

I also know a lot about what happens and the disgusting side of this hobby, and I know more than your avg hobbyist. I'm just saying that if you want to be taken seriously, don't twist facts and stats to achieve a goal.

Some of those links are so old they no longer work.
Let me make a few things clear.... First off, yes while working as a ~Pro Domme and being 100% independent I do consider myself a ~Survivor~ as well as a ~victim~ ... of being ~addicted~ to the lifestyle!! I am not going to put any energy into explaining my circumstances nor anything else to you social vampires!! The point of me posting this was to point out a place that has been helpful to me. The heading of it was ~ATTENTION LADIES!! ~ so the input of the men are unwarranted and unnecessary!! I understand that alot of you guys have nothing better to do than heckle others, but go hijack a different post!! This post was for ladies that might need help, counceling or groups meeting... PERIOD!! All other comments not pertaining to and hijack attempts just show the weak minded and childish mentality of those posting them!!
KenMonk's Avatar
There was no thread hijack, I am merely pointing out that while I like that there are options for ladies out there, the information being presented has a lack of crediability. The use of scare tactics and bloated stats concerns me, as it should you. You wouldn't allow a business to do that to you? The lack of accountability and terrible information is the problem, not the program itself.

Also if you wanted to reach the attention of just the ladies, post this information in INFO SHARE, not in COED, which is open to BOTH sexes.

Again I want to state I respect your decision to retire and to offer help to others who may need it. Also that this program is good and that the idea is sound, but to just use updated and factual information without using scare tactics, inflated stats. or making others look down upon themselves for what they chose to do with their lives, which just reading through the site is what I get from the information provided.

Good luck in the future.
I am merely pointing out that while I like that there are options for ladies out there, the information being presented has a lack of crediability. The use of scare tactics and bloated stats concerns me, as it should you. You wouldn't allow a business to do that to you? The lack of accountability and terrible information is the problem, not the program itself.
. Originally Posted by KenMonk
How can you speak on something you know nothing about?? Have you been to a meeting and/ or know anything about what information they present?? Again, I am not going to get involved in a back and forth converstation about this... I thank you for your positive words and wish you well!! Granted, I probably posted this in the wrong area, but my reasoning is to help out any ladies that might need any type of suppost getting out of this lifestyle...
KenMonk's Avatar
How can you speak on something you know nothing about?? Have you been to a meeting and/ or know anything about what information they present?? Again, I am not going to get involved in a back and forth converstation about this... I thank you for your positive words and wish you well!! Granted, I probably posted this in the wrong area, but my reasoning is to help out any ladies that might need any type of suppost getting out of this lifestyle... Originally Posted by Mistress Chanel

I was simply discussing the information on the website and nothing else. I did some light research based off the information posted on their site and that is all. I didn't speak on how you felt, nor about how others feel. I am simply discussing the facts and stats of the site and how it makes me question their information.

I have a questioning mind and I continue to seek out and learn new information without really needing to do so. I just see it as misinformation, which may hurt their cause. I would suggest at the very least that site updates their information and web links. They are so outdated, and it could help continue their cause.
This is sad you can't post nothing on here without all the extra BS. Thanks mistres Chanel for the educational advice you are leading us too.
Ken, you make an awful lot of unsupported declarative statements for a guy who's up in arms about old data. Someone might come to conclusion that you're suffering from cognitive dissonance.

Since we don't want anyone thinking that, would you care to tell us how exactly it is you know "more than the average hobbyist" about the scarier side of the hobby? Also, what level and type of knowledge is "average" for a hobbyist? Lastly, since you derive your insight from a "logical mind" and "filtering bullshit", perhaps you can share with us the sort of training and skills required to attain your clearly advanced fact finding ability?

Thanks in advance.