The Left Fraudulently acting like Biden won

Here's a tip for the media on election night: get rid of the electoral map. Just go with blue or red. What happens between now and December 14th and then until January 8th and until Pence receives the Ballots is anyone's guess. But it is right, Pro American, and Patriotic for the media to never call a close election until at least the electors have voted. The media left's continued push of their agenda is disgusting.
I'm just reserving this spot, assuming it isn't locked, for the inauguration day "President Biden" dunk.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Here's a tip for the media on election night: get rid of the electoral map. Just go with blue or red. What happens between now and December 14th and then until January 8th and until Pence receives the Ballots is anyone's guess. But it is right, Pro American, and Patriotic for the media to never call a close election until at least the electors have voted. The media left's continued push of their agenda is disgusting. Originally Posted by DTickler

Did you accept the media calling the election on November 8, 2016 when Trump was declared the victor or did you wait until sometime in December of January? I doubt it.

The 2016 election was just as close -- Trump won Michigan by .2%, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania by .7% and Florida by 1.2% and most accepted the media calling the election for Trump right away. This election Biden leads in Michigan by 2.7%, Wisconsin by .7%, and Pennsylvania by .8%. Yet for some reason Trump and his supporters who accepted the media's calling of the election in 2016 now want everyone to wait a month or two before the election is "official". I assume based on frivolous law suits.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
There is one good explanation; in 2016 Trump and his people knew that they hadn't cheated to get there and they were winning. The big question is why didn't Hillary claim cheating and demand an investigation? You know the reason why, an investigation would have exposed the Clinton campaign's skullduggery.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I'd be more inclined to believe that the reason was because no normal human would want to throw the nation into chaos.
Biden won. Feels good to see the denial of Trumpys. Oddly, Trump knows he’s lost and his lawyers have informed him that the suits won’t stop anything. Even Karl Rove has stated it’s over. The only people that believe some other result is possible are Idiots. If you somehow believe Trump will be deemed the winner, you’re pretty stupid.
Did you accept the media calling the election on November 8, 2016 when Trump was declared the victor or did you wait until sometime in December of January? I doubt it.

The 2016 election was just as close -- Trump won Michigan by .2%, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania by .7% and Florida by 1.2% and most accepted the media calling the election for Trump right away. This election Biden leads in Michigan by 2.7%, Wisconsin by .7%, and Pennsylvania by .8%. Yet for some reason Trump and his supporters who accepted the media's calling of the election in 2016 now want everyone to wait a month or two before the election is "official". I assume based on frivolous law suits. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
And more than anytime in history did the electorals vote against their party in 2016. Not every state has laws that say an electoral must vote for their party. Those states that do have slap of the hand type punishment.
Biden won. Feels good to see the denial of Trumpys. Oddly, Trump knows he’s lost and his lawyers have informed him that the suits won’t stop anything. Even Karl Rove has stated it’s over. The only people that believe some other result is possible are Idiots. If you somehow believe Trump will be deemed the winner, you’re pretty stupid. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Biden hasn't won anything yet. The media leads you to believe it.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
There is one good explanation; in 2016 Trump and his people knew that they hadn't cheated to get there and they were winning. The big question is why didn't Hillary claim cheating and demand an investigation? You know the reason why, an investigation would have exposed the Clinton campaign's skullduggery. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Give me a break. When all is said and done, there will be no cheating found in the 2020 election other than a few that did minimal harm. One Republican voted for his dead mother. This is just an unsubstantiated excuse by Trump supporters to bitch about the election for 4 years. I did not vote for Trump in 2016. He won fair and square in my opinion. As did Biden in 2020. I realize that you and others will not admit it to be true but live with it.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
News flash:

The left did not win

Biden may have won, not the left.
The left is about to realize that and will get quite upset when it's discovered that Biden never supported a lot of the lefts campaign planks.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The sad part is If only one dead person voted the system needs to be fair honest and transparent , watch its not at this point BOTH sides should agree on "looking into the suspicious activity "
Remember every vote counts , and it took 37 days for gore to lose, and one day for the Russian crap to start

Note The LSM can not elect presidents or anoint them
WTF's Avatar
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  • 11-12-2020, 08:07 AM
Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, a Democrat, in a CNN interview Wednesday said that the only known case of voter fraud “in Pennsylvania in this cycle, is a registered Republican in Luzerne County, [who] tried to vote for Trump with his dead mother’s ballot.”
WTF's Avatar
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  • 11-12-2020, 08:13 AM
Biden hasn't won anything yet. The media leads you to believe it. Originally Posted by DTickler
Fox News called Arizona!

Look...the media is leading one to believe that Biden won....because he has won.

You do understand that Trump is not the MoFo who calls the election winner?

Dan Patrick will pay you 1 million dollars if you can prove widespread voter fraud!

I'll bet you 10k that Trump is not President come January 21, 2021
There is one good explanation; in 2016 Trump and his people knew that they hadn't cheated to get there and they were winning. The big question is why didn't Hillary claim cheating and demand an investigation? You know the reason why, an investigation would have exposed the Clinton campaign's skullduggery. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
We all know that. Let the Liberals believe what they want.These people hate so profoundly they can't even see straight.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
It's not just the left who are claiming that Biden won. It is anyone who has any common sense whether they are on the left or the right. This shit is not that complicated. This country is a democracy. We count votes here. Unfortunately for Trump's cult following, the fat old orange clown didn't get enough of them to get reelected and they can't accept that simple fact without going with Trump's stupid ass conspiracy nonsense.

Trump is just trying to go down as a political martyr and the millions of people in his cult actually believe that idiot's bullshit.