Gotta go to MD Anderson again.

PoppyToyota's Avatar
Hello again everyone! I have told a few of you and have posted before that I was diagnosed last July with a brain tumor located inside my brain stem. Time again for my quarterly check up on April 23rd & 24th to see whats going on with it. Have to go through another MRI and then do a consult.

The news last time was mixed since my tumor had changed shapes. The doctor said typically it never changes shapes unless it grows larger or is spreading. What confused them was that it had appeared to be smaller than the scan they did in October. I will be back on April 27th and will let anyone who wants to know an update.

TBONE's Avatar
  • 04-21-2009, 06:33 PM
Good thoughts go with you friend...looking forward to seeing you at the H.H.!!
They got some great diagnosticians down there. We'll be here when you get back!
TexTushHog's Avatar
Good luck, P.T. We're pulling for you.
steverino50's Avatar
Best wishes, Poppy. We have never met but your wit and wisdom make me smile. Many people here are keeping a good thought for you!

Good luck and best wishes. Going to see any ladies while you are down there?
My thoughts and prayers are with you! I love forward to hearing good news from you when you return!
Maxx's Avatar
  • Maxx
  • 04-22-2009, 07:20 AM
Hope you fair well PT. MDA is one of the best. Let's hope it's even smaller this time! God be with you!
Olesweetie's Avatar
Good Luck and best wishes! Leave the nurses alone!
PoppyToyota's Avatar
Thank you everyone!! The crazy part of everything is that people I have not even met before are more supportative than my friends. Sometimes you don't learn who your real friends are until something like this happens. Thank you again for the support. I look forward to seeing everyone at the next HH as long as they don't try and keep me there. Even then I still might sneak back to Dallas for a day or two. LOL!!

After everything is finished I am going to go deep sea fishing. Don't really think I will do any hobbying. I am probably going to be to tired after my trip out to sea. Never been before and I am really excited about going. Hopefully I will catch a few and have some pictures to show.


My support and best wishes to ya. You are a great guy and I look forward to chatting with you much more!
Introuble's Avatar
When I was there, I was amazed at how friendly and family oriented they are. Walk down the hall and look confused or lost and EVERYONE is asking "do you need some help?" You do blood work and they have you in and out in 10 minutes. Your results from one doctor are available along with CAT scans two hours later on EVERY computer in the hospital. It is an amazing place. No matter how sorry you feel for yourself (after all you do have cancer) there is always someone else in the elevator or in the waiting room that has it worse than you. Remarkable place.
St.Mateo's Avatar

My thoughts and prayers go out to you....
Stang1965's Avatar

My Thoughts and Prayers go out to you.

Looking forward to hearing about your deep sea fishing adventure at the next HH.
TBONE's Avatar
  • 04-23-2009, 07:06 AM
Let me know if you need help with your fishing SECOND favorite hobby!