How do I search providers that are currently online?

Hello Team,

Is there a way that I am able to search which providers are currently logged in and online?

I appreciate your time and attention.
The staff may have a better answer but you can use this way that I found in the meantime:

In the Main Menu box, which is usually on the right but sometimes on the left, towards the middle there is a link called "Member List". Click that and on that page, to the right of the solid blue box that reads "ECCIE Worldwide: Members List" there is a little drop down menu that says "Search Members", click that and a new search box will open with a link at the bottom that says "Advanced Search". On that page there are a bunch of fields you can enter but you only want to fill in the Location field, select Female for gender and then scroll to the bottom of the page and select Last Visit for the Order Results by dropdown and also change the dropdown to the right of it to In Descending Order. Now just hit the Search Now button that is just below the dropdowns you just changed and... order by last activity. You won't know where the list of members changes from On to off (I think that may be set to remain green (online) for a specific amount of time after the last activity but I am just guessing on that. In any case, you can open a few of the members and see when their last activity was and you'll have a good sense of who is active.

If you want to refresh that information you don't have to page back and do all the stuff above over again. Instead just click on the Last Visit link at the top of the list and it will refresh.
Thank you so much for your help sir. That is exactly what I was looking for and I appreciate your detailed response.