Review: Vanessa

  • Thrax
  • 11-12-2016, 11:30 PM
Date: 11/12/2016
Provider: Vanessaddd
User ID:: 314947
Phone: 518-419-8854
Email Address:
URL / Website:
City: Latham
State: New York
Address: Hotel on Route 9
Appointment Type: Outcall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: No show
Session Length: Overnight
Fee: $1200 and change
Hair Length and Color: Dyed red, long, curly last time I saw her
Age: 28
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Tall, big tits
Recommendation: No
Loki Pk's Avatar

Is this the provider you are referring to?

  • Thrax
  • 11-13-2016, 07:30 AM

Is this the provider you are referring to?

PK Originally Posted by Loki Pk
TreeBark's Avatar
I see a no show here but the amount is filled in.
Is that the donation it would have been had she showed?
First there was the guy who complained of her "unpleasant butt smell" and now this? So glad I never gave her a chance.
The $1200 seems to be the amount she owes him from all the previous borrowing
I think the smell was referring to someone else but it's pretty much been debunked. I might be confused though. Never saw anything bad about the
Is one until now.

Do you guys really loan out that kind of cash.?
Some do, and surprisingly, it always seems to turn out badly.
Loki Pk's Avatar
Some do, and surprisingly, it always seems to turn out badly. Originally Posted by Warrenajeffers
"Surprisingly>>!!" or really, 'UNSURPRISINGLY" !??!?!
Sorry to poke a bit of fun at the OP. But seriously, I have NEVER heard of that playing out 'as expected". I've heard stories of it eventually working itself out to the dudes satisfaction, but never in a timely way.
Unless there are blueberry muffins involved!

"Surprisingly>>!!" or really, 'UNSURPRISINGLY" !??!?!
Sorry to poke a bit of fun at the OP. But seriously, I have NEVER heard of that playing out 'as expected". I've heard stories of it eventually working itself out to the dudes satisfaction, but never in a timely way.
Unless there are blueberry muffins involved!

PK Originally Posted by Loki Pk

I guess my " blueberry muffin " experience will be with me for a long time ! Actually, it is pretty funny now, but not so much when it happened . LOL :laughin g1:
Breware of the love con
TreeBark's Avatar
Too late, he was conned!
I'd be more concerned with the dirty butt crack odor!!

Breware of the love con Originally Posted by Mtnliving
Wow! i hate to stick my face in this a-hole discussion, but seriously... some of you guys have revealed through your words that your MOUTHs smell far worse than any verified provider's a-hole! God only knows what yours smells like.

But since you like to dwell in the sewer, let me say that Vanessa was reviewed by me on 9-16... since then, we have had several encounters that were even better... no way i would share these deets with you, clowns, because everything we have done is in the YMMV category - and a-holes like you will never have the mileage... good, Vanessa is too popular - more yummy time for me. So move your a-hole behavior down the road, chumps - i can handle every extra minute you vacate playing with Vanessa - and i am sure that anyone, with a bit of class that has been with her, will agree.

You folks are embarrassing yourselves, and anyone with a brain in their head see's it.

Feel free to attack and snipe and act like a gutless anonymous limp dick - im sure that verified, exquisite providers will be PM'ing you and dying to see you. Bring it, a-holes!
Dude I was saying nothing offensive to her just cautioning others about the love con
  • bam71
  • 11-14-2016, 08:19 PM
Well said hero47. Sometimes guys forget what thishe site is for. While I haven't met her yet her great reviews far out weigh the 1 bad 1. I'm still planning on visiting her soon.