Google Spotted Explicit Images...

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Google Spotted Explicit Images Of A Child In A Man's Email And Tipped Off The Authorities

Not that one in full possession of their faculties would seek to obtain such material, however as the article states:

“On one hand, most people would certainly applaud the use of technology to scan email in a case like this.

On the other, debate rages about how much privacy users can expect when using Google's services like email. In a word: none”.

So, when considering the “Hobby” and communications therein; the lesson here need not be explained.
If you think you have any privacy or confidentiality on any email system let me clue you in - YOU DON'T.
you agree to yheir terms of service by creating an account with them.
Agree that any expectation of privacy is: 1) unrealistic; 2) inconsistent with the terms of service; and 3) foolish or naive, to rely upon. So lets all just assume that, in our "freemail" accounts, every email and pics is read by a machine, human or both.

That is practically a given.

The more interesting issue may be this: Would google or its competitors be less likely to crawl over and pry private data of cash-paying (versus "free") customers?

Trees best guess is that those individuals and companies that pay $50/year for the or google office package (or other paid service) get less crawl, fewer algorithms get run over paid versus free.

If CTO's observe that google is looking at its PAID CLIENT'S company or employee mailboxes or photo storage folders, seems likely the CTO will recommend a different service provider.

Trees going out on a limb here with the supposition that the freeloaders get fucked whilst those who pay are doing more fucking and less getting fucked.

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  • zme
  • 08-05-2014, 07:09 AM
I wonder if there are any second tier email providers out there who give better assurances of privacy. At the very least the second tier providers probably have worse algorithms than google to be scanning so effectively. Image recognition is pretty hard to do.
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Next question Originally Posted by Gotyour6
I don't remember what they were called, but a company is manufacturing their own smart phones. All text messages are encrypted and, according to the company, can be "burned" by the user.

As for email; I'm not sure. They would have to have their own email servers to provide such security. Maybe they do.
Lucky 1's Avatar
I use for email for this very reason......they are a small private email provider...the service is free and very very good and (i'm guessing here) maybe not so likely to get snooped on....
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Next question Originally Posted by Gotyour6
Soooo......what sort of program or app do you need to encrypt your email .....and would this mean that the person you're sending an email to would not be able to read it unless they had the same encryption program on there comp/smart phone to un-encrypt or otherwise sort out the encrypted message????
If so I kinda doubt my favorite teen provider has that kind of tech ability
Winzip would be a encrypting program & yes someone on receiving end needs winzip as well. And would need password to open the file.
But, I would expect google to have the tech to have implemented something into their capabilities of merely transferring data that automatically scans for known images--like they said. Then, a human gets involved. I assumed everything I ever sent or looked at online was being monitored but, seriously you have to give up a few freedoms to protect society. And in the case of c.p. I am fully on board with whatever needs done to derail it.

Additionally, if p4p, were legal, then they might be a little ahead of catching horrid things related to the topic, since us voluntary people would not be crowding the pipeline of scrutiny. I will say that for ALMOST every major sting, a horrible thing is found and corrected to some extent, and i can't be mad at that.
I use a place called "" They say they are not looking at the mail. Of course who could tell if they were--- they could be run by the NSA---Just in case "OBAMA SUCKS AS A PRESIDENT" Would make a good PIMP
The Drummer's Avatar
I don't remember what they were called, but a company is manufacturing their own smart phones. All text messages are encrypted and, according to the company, can be "burned" by the user.

As for email; I'm not sure. They would have to have their own email servers to provide such security. Maybe they do. Originally Posted by The Drummer
Here's the phone.

Posted by keith:

I heard about this on the radio is a totally secure phone
If your're really interested in email security, just search the net for Windows/mac SMTP server and install one on your system. Spend the 20-50$ for the app and 20-50$ for a domain name, and now you can send your email from your own computer. I think on some professional versions of Windows it may even come with an SMTP server, IIS, but not positive on that one.

I know servers sound intimidating, but unless you're trying to do something fancy with it, a SMTP/POP3 server should be fairly easy to configure. Of course, your message still has to leave your computer a some point in order to get sent out, but thats where encryption comes in.
What do law firms do?

If their email correspondence is not confidential; how do they operate?

If you think you have any privacy or confidentiality on any email system let me clue you in - YOU DON'T.
you agree to yheir terms of service by creating an account with them. Originally Posted by cycleguy