Tranny sports

First let me say I am a democrat.
Voted for Biden in 2020 and probably will again 2024 if he is still breathing
I voted for trump in 2016 because can’t stand Hilary bought trumps bullshit lies. ( regret)
To the point democrats supporting biological males competing in female sports is bullshit. If republicans would be smart and find someone with balls enough to deny trumps lies he would win in Nov 24 easily. Regardless of who the D candidate is based just on this item alone. And DESANTIS ain’t it. He’s a pussy and trump will muzzle him like he did everyone in 2016.
The "issue" is way overblown. If you were judging by how much attention angry republicans pay to the "issue," you'd think that transgenders were dominating every armature and professional women's sports league. The truth is, instances of it are few and far between. As I've said over and over, it's really just an excuse for them to vent their anger at transgender people.
berryberry's Avatar
To the point democrats supporting biological males competing in female sports is bullshit. Originally Posted by mtnitlion
And yet the Democrats do support this. Over and over and over again

We have seen all the examples of leftists supporting deranged trannies - including competing in women's sports. Why do you try to pretend otherwise?

Are you ashamed of your party for having this stance?
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