Phone Pics.. Really ??


Men are very visual. We love to see current pics of the ladies we choose to spend time with.

If you:

1. Have no pics
2. Have pics you took of yourself in the mirror
3. Have very small, low quality pics

You could be hurting your chances of more business. It's lousy advertising. If you said yes to any of the above mentioned categories, find yourself a someone to take some decent pics. Take a few outfits, and pick a nice place with backgrounds etc. and do it right!

I'd be happy to help out, but will admit I am not a professional, just an amature, but can turn out much better pics than your phone!
VibraMaxx's Avatar
AMEN!! And I would say that a lack of interest in presenting themselves correctly could flag a lack of interest in pleasing. Unwise move in handling business could mean probable unwise attitude handling the delivery side of the business.
4karlos's Avatar
Lol!! Good point. I guess backpage might give them the impression that a few selfies will do the trick and cover the show-case chapter
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Actually phone pics are a more accurate representation of what the hobbyist will see when the door opens than the professional edited pics.
poppy71's Avatar
This is another one of those topics that opinions will vary on. There are some talented photographers that work with the providers that advertise in the businei services. Put your ad up with samples and let the girls choose who they like but as far as hobbyists go some like selfies and some like pro pics and some like a mixture. This topic has been beat to death already all across this board.
ackvt's Avatar
  • ackvt
  • 09-06-2013, 09:28 AM
Had a session yesterday, FBSM++, and we talked about pics. She told me that people assumed she was fake from her pro photos and when she started using phone pics her business picked up substantially. I can see why, her body is outstanding, looks as good in person as in pictures. I'd probably have thought her pro pictures were fakes too.
gearslut's Avatar
The old let me help you with your pictures in the one in a million chance you toss some free poon my way ploy..... Really?
What do you think we did before every girl with a cell phone and a duckface exploded all over the internet? I'll bet there are very few girls if any who haven't put up their crappy BP pic and did not receive some dick and some cash for their efforts. Maybe not a lot of dick and cash but some and that's all it takes. I do agree with your point though. If you can't put together a couple nice pics or a decent showcase then unless you just have a string of outstanding reviews I'm always going to pass. I don't care how hot and wanton that duckface is.

And one more thing.....I admit this is low hanging fruit so I'll apologize before I snatch it but nothing says amature like posting a fuzzy, blurry selfie from a cheap notel bathroom unless it's misspelling AMATEUR... And you might want to check the number of A's in the word ORGASMS. So in the spirit of the OP's original message. C'mon ladies....It's Friday. Show us your best showcase pic or at least some really good duckface.
ackvt's Avatar
  • ackvt
  • 09-06-2013, 09:34 AM
And to add to my post, her phone pics were still quality photos, not blurry, showed her whole body. They were good pics, just clearly not taken by a professional. Hell, any photo can be stolen, some provider could try to pass my avatar off as herself in an ad.
As I said I am NOT a professional, just have a good camera that shoots in a low light setting w/o a flash, so you don't get the glare and washed out effect that a flash provides.

I also don't give a shit if they ask me or not, just find someone that has a decent camera or knows how to take a decent pic with a quality camera phone.

I just hate looking a crappy pics or pics that are so damn small you can't make out what the hell it is. As a rule will pass if that's all ya got.

If you want to see some that I have shot, go check out my review of Adorna Kisses or just look at my avatar.

Oh and Gearslut, thanks for the spelling lesson, but I can guarantee you, it won't stick. My spelling sucks and always has...
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 09-06-2013, 04:35 PM
Well I like that pic. But if you look close in that avatar you got you can see your Mr. Magoo looking mug in the mirror. So next time you pull out that bad ass cam make sure you crop yourself out.

poppy71's Avatar
At least he admitted hes not a pro which explains why he is also topless lmao
Is that Mr Miyagi from The Karate Kid?

Jesus christ I feel sorry that these girls have to service some of you old, saggy, disgusting looking motherfuckers. Lmao!!
RoDunn's Avatar
Well I like that pic. But if you look close in that avatar you got you can see your Mr. Magoo looking mug in the mirror. So next time you pull out that bad ass cam make sure you crop yourself out.

Originally Posted by Trey
I'm looking at the picture and laughing my ass off.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
missconstanceflow's Avatar
Back in the days pro pics were very important for escorts. It shows that you are a very business professional person and that you care about showing who you are and what type of setting you require. Now meaning 2013 photo pics have came in and to me its ok to a certain extent meaning how they look and were they are. meaning if you were on eros pro pics is the bizzz but if you are on bp most men are used to camera pics so that's what it is.... but most girls still update there camera pics and ad and readjust things just don't see it